Tuesday, April 29, 2008

gross and other unexpected things

Dear Diary,

First of all. Gross. I've had the most grossest time ever with Kyle and my Dad. Still don't know what was up with the gum exchange. Not only did he give it to me in the mouth, he wanted it back on the way home. It was sick. Yes, sick. I'm beginning to think I'm mixed up with a very sick little boy. I don't know what's going on.

However, I'm glad he was around for all the bathroom gross parts. I had to help a little, but I would have helped a lot if he hadn't been here.

Then there is my whole sister thing. I found out. She talks to mom everyday. I almost cried about it, but I was so furious I decided I wouldn't give any of them the satisfaction.

Seems, my sister has the scheme up her sleeve or somewhere lurking when she's not with Geo. She has to tell Mom all the horrible things I've done. You'd think I've dyed my hair black and gone Gothic. Something perturbing like that. Its not even true. Most of it. Ok, so maybe she should have known about me skipping school. But to make me sound like a brat and maybe even a slut, well, that's just makes me cold.

We had a fight. I almost pulled her hair. Luckily, we were in her room and not mine. And I gave her all the stuff back I ever borrowed. Even though she swears I stole her cool black sweater coat and her "Boys Lie" t-shirt. She never wore it anyway. Always said it was so yesterday.

But the most strangest thing to ever happen while at Home Depot was seeing her ex. The one before her other boyfriend before Geo. Rex. It was strange. I hardly remember him. But I think they had a thing in eighth grade. Maybe he was her first love. Don't know. But I'm there with Kyle and Dad walking through all those tools and what not, and I actually feel somebody watching me. I mean, it bothered me. Didn't scare me. I was just looking around thinking someone was there when they weren't. Finally, I told them I had to go to the restroom, and thats when I saw Rex, while I was coming out of the restroom.

He's a senior now. But I never see him because he's hardly in any classes. He works at Home Depot, too. And he looks different than I remember. Sort of. Shaggier, but still dark blond hair. It was just so strange. He wanted to know about Lisa. How she was doing. I know he still has a thing for her. You can just see it when he talks about her. But what did he do? He wrote his phone number on my forearm. At least the sleeve of my hoodie, hid it. He wants me to call him. I guess about Lisa. I can't think any other reason why. Only I'm not going to mention it to her. She's so into Geo, who's the only person who understands her. Evidently, I don't. I just wish the darn phone number would come off my arm.



  1. Oh, sounds a little bit like a strange day!

  2. Ok, lots going on. Funny, about the phone number not going away.

  3. Sorry for all the fighting! I hate fighting with my sister.
    ps-I'm so glad you're reading Back Talk! Definitely let me know what you think of it. I just finished another book, and hopefully it will be published soon. You're a writer too? What do you write? (Other than your blog!)

  4. she probably did, i don't watch gossip girl (shocker!) so i wouldn't know. gum exchanging sounuds like a new sport..kindda not really. :)

  5. you can say i'm on a writers' block, but hopefully by today or friday, i'll start a new story. I saw your story listed on Celise Downs blog! That is so awesome! We're like the only two unpublished young authors on there. You should feel very proud. I'll tell you when I start the other story.

    //Shenell Keanna

  6. ellie's so realistic it's not even funny...you're a really good writer.
