Sunday, June 15, 2008

Letter from Leia

Hey Girl,

Bet you never thought you'd hear from me by snail mail, huh?

I hope you'll read it. I'm still not sure you believe me, or trust me.

What can I say? I was in a bad way. And it was a bad break up, but I'm really over Nick now. I guess. I know it will never be. No way, could I make him see, that I didn't mean to hurt him with all that went down. But my Dad was so mad. And I didn't know what else to do.

With all the sand and sea, its suppose to be heaven here, but its pretty depressing, actually. My hair is a total mess. I have to stay at my grandmother's. I can only talk to my cousins. Its so boring. I know you don't believe me, but it is. Did I mention I hate the ocean. And surfers.

I'm beginning to think I'll never fall in love again, nor have any friends.

I so need for you to forgive me. I miss you. If it would help I'd tell you, you should give Nick a chance. If it could save our friendship, I'd say go for it. I know he likes you. I could tell even when he was my boyfriend.

It would hurt. Initially. Seeing you two together. But if we could still be friends, it would be worth it.

Think about it.




  1. Hmm....I await Ellies thoughts on this.

  2. i had completely forgotten about leia!!!!! i wonder why she hates it so much there.

  3. That Leia is desperate if she thinks that about Nick. Totally, giving him up to Ellie. Maybe she's turned over a new to speak.

  4. Hello. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    I'm not familiar with this story but one thing is for sure, follow your heart =)

  5. ahh, i love this whole story!
    can't wait for more.

  6. Thanks for adding me to your blogroll.

    Your story is really interesting, I can't stop reading it. I mean, real life is usually boring, you make it sound cool

    I will have fun with my daddy today =] have a good father's day!!
    xoxo, Caiti

  7. Hmm, i forgot about Ellie's little friend 2! I wonder what Ellie's says about this letter... or snail mail. :)
    XOXO Buh-Laire

  8. Wow. Leia is seriously desperate.


    Thanks for commenting. That was so funny about your cat. It sort of reminded me about this cat that we used to have.

  9. thanks 4 ur comments, that sounds like a sticky situation!

  10. she sounds depressed and sorry.... makes me sad.

  11. Hey, you. I mentioned you in my blog at the beginning. Only brief, but it has a link.

    Do you mind if I put a proper permanant link in the sidebar for your blog...?

    As for this blog entry, it's awesome. Poor "Leia". She's the mentor. I hope "Ellie" forgives her. Or someone should give "Leia" a hug or something.

    On another note, wow, snail mail... Those were the days.

    Great blog.
    Keep at it!

  12. haha, snail mail. i forgot about leia...

  13. Hey.
    Thanks for the reply. =)

    And it's a Katy Perry song.
    All the blog titles are lyrics.

    It's little known, but it's true.

    Anyway, thank you for the wonderful comment.

  14. oh no im lost whos leila again??

  15. Oooh-er. So...she's back. I don't like this girl...yet.

  16. I don't know about Leia. I can't believe she'd go that far.
