Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Letter to Leia

Hey Leia,

You do sound depressed. Really depressed. You're suppose to be having fun in the sun. Its Hawaii, after all.

I can't believe you think I'd be better off with Nick. I wouldn't. He's your ex-boyfriend. I couldn't do that to you. I wouldn't. You guys were tight. I don't know what went wrong, but if you ever feel like telling me, I'm here to listen.

Good thing you haven't been here. We've had lots of horrid weather. Even some Boy Scouts were killed near here recently while camping. It was so chilling to hear on the news. I didn't know them personally, but I feel like I do. I feel so sad for their families, but most of them think that they were prepared for that kind of disaster. I've never seen the weather this bad. Lots of flooding, too. We've been fortunate that it hasn't been so awful here.

I've been volunteering at the library as a Junior Friend. Maybe you'd forget everything if you saw the new young adult librarian. Fresh out of college and really hot, as in Jonas brothers, and we know how much you still love them even if you say you don't. I know whats on your ipod. Or so I have been told about the Jonas brother factor from several other Junior Friends. Of course, I don't know which one he looks like since I'm not really into them like you are. But this year the theme is 'bugs', I know how well you like bugs. NOT.

Anyway, I so wish I was taking driver's ed. this summer, but nobody wants me too. Evidently. Maybe my family is just too busy with other stuff. You'd never know it by the way Dad leaves the garage. I guess it all has to do with my sister which, again, nobody finds the time to tell me about.

But I'm doing OK.

Stay strong. Hope your cousins are cool.

Still your friend,



  1. hm...ellie didn't tell leia about eric... but then we can't expect her to.

  2. I don't think Ellie is exactly the kiss and tell type. Also she wouldn't want to hear what Leia has to say about him, either. It just might crush her, or at least she thinks it would.

  3. wow leia being friends with ellie again???? and whats up with these jonas brothers???? do you like them in real life??????? these quwstions need to have their answers

  4. Aw..the Jonas brothers, I have friends who love them too, but would never ever want to admit it.

  5. Thanks for the comment on my blog doll x

  6. waiting for the dinner... :P
    i'm glad ellie has a friend...although it might be more efficient to have a girl friend nearby.

  7. Hey bellina! Thank you so much for the lovely comment, it means the world. I hope you're having a great day!


  8. wow cool i have their autographs i went to see them last summer at a fair and ya so i have all this extra stuff i got from them even their first not sold anymore cd:) but im not anymore (i have my ways) cool well keep posting:)

  9. Oh! I hope he looks like Joe Jonas! ha ha, I LOVE HIM!!! And i wonder if Ellie will ever tell Leia about her and Eric. And i agree, she shouldn't be with Nick.
    XOXO Buh-Laire :)

  10. how did the boy scouts die?? thats so mysterious

  11. i had to read this before moving on to the next one. i didn't want to be left behind. lol.
