Friday, October 17, 2008

a 4 by 4

Ellie and her crew were tagged. This time by Blue Hearts. Please check this quirky blog out. Thanks. Well, this might be a bit unusual since it is a fiction blog, but I'll give it a try. I'll focus on characters like Cait did.

Here it goes.

Top four wishes:
1) Eric wishes he was alone with Ellie especially in his room.
2) Ellie hopes she passes driver ed.
3) Eric wishes Ellie wouldn't get a job.
4) Ellie wishes Eric would stop being so negative.

Four places I want to travel to:
1) Canada.
2) Brazil.
3) Greece.
4) Ireland.

Four careers I want to be involved in:
1) Ellie thinks Eric would make a good teacher.
2) Eric thinks Ellie should go into fashion designing.
3) Ellie just wants to recycle clothes.
4) Eric knows he's got to find a job.

Four things I would like God to say at the Gates of Heaven:
1) You're gonna make it after all.
2) I gotta get you into my life.
3) You won't need to drink red bull to fly here.
4) Welcome home.

Here are my 4 victims for this tag.

simon n josh



beautiful nightmare


  1. o cool i got tagged umm... i am so lost at how u play though :)

  2. I sort of did it..on my side bar.
