Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Roger had decided to have an impromptu meeting in the Art room.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Rhianna asked. It was after school, and they were all just hanging out in the art room, anyway.

"Why not?" Roger knew it wasn't official or anything, but most who were at that diversity meeting were right here in the room. Of course, there was no drama teacher. "Why can't we just meet, you know, whats the big deal?"

"Are you saying we should have secret meetings?" Caitlin, the Goth queen asked.

"No. I don't want secrets. Its just why, why does it have to be some big production? Maybe if we just did more things together. Maybe show some unity. It'll just grow, and we won't give a shit what anybody out there says about it."

"You have a point," Caitlin shrugged.

"Anyone up to going to see MILK?" Roger wanted to see it. It was only showing at a crummy theater far away in the city. Not even the artsy theater had picked it up yet.

"I hear its showing in Council Bluffs. We could do Sunday to a matinee." Rhianna then said.

"Really? This is great." Roger liked the thought of going to a cinema that you didn't need a map too find and where the popcorn wasn't rancid. "Who wants to go?"

There was a show of hands then. Cory wasn't here, but he was sure he could get him to go.

"So Roger are you the president or something?" A lean guy with a scruffy beard asked out of the blue.

"I'm not trying to be the president. Why can't we do things together? You know, we could just have get togethers or something. We don't have to have all this official stuff going on all the time." Roger told him.

"What if we never have a meeting again? Doesn't sound like its gonna happen. All these people making a big deal out of us. You know, we have a right just as anybody else. There are laws."

"Absolutely, and we will. The stronger we get, the more official its going to be." Roger nodded.

"I think you should be our official poster boy, Roger," he then grinned.

Roger faked a smile wondering if that was a come on or just honesty.


  1. Roger might be a mover and shaker. I liked that last part too.

  2. Caitlin, the goth queen ^^ That's a cool name.
    I hope this will work out for Roger and the others. I wish them luck and I hope Cory will come too!

  3. roger for the win!
    (i've turned into this total geek)
    milk looks amazing.

  4. that's funny about Roger. Wonder if we'll see more of this guy.
