Wednesday, March 24, 2010

it could be painful

Roger was a little nervous to see the doctor. Especially, a woman doctor. But he would have been nervous even with a male doctor, he imagined.

"Yeah, you've got something." She took a look under a paper sheet that shielded Roger below the waist. His boy, he liked to call him, just not today, he referred to as one of his most important parts. He was scared he'd go hard. He hated this kind of stuff. She'd know his true colors soon enough.

"Like what?" Yes, he knew about the blisters, but, it wasn't that bad. He thought he'd done something in his sleep because he wasn't having sex. Honestly, he'd been thinking of Olivia. No one else. He wished he could say so, but that didn't seem to matter to the doctor.

"Men can have yeast infections." She informed him. "Sometimes, they can go undetected for a very long time. It'll even move into your prostrate if it goes unnoticed, and it could possibly lead into something you don't want to face. Prostrate cancer. Decades from now."

Roger squinted hard then. Well something went limp then. Completely. Was she serious? He kept his mouth shut and took the prescription she gave him. Maybe she was just trying to scare the crap out of him. Well, it worked.

"You know, you can even get a yeast infection from certain condoms, too." She told him about the ones with spermicides.

Roger just bit his upper lip wondering if there was anything safe in this world. Hopefully, he and Olivia would whip this yeast infection in the butt. A game of scrabble, cooking together or even walking in the rain was looking more and more... as an enjoyable way to spend time together.


  1. Its good for him to rethink his actions.

  2. In a relationship these kind of thing hurt a lot, but we have to go on!

  3. That must have been an uncomfortable situation for him.

  4. Oh I feel bad for him sort of.

  5. I do feel for him. It must be strange for him. But he needs to stay healthy too.

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