Sunday, April 8, 2012

in the long run

Derrick applied at plenty of places. Even at the movie theater, where he got on, it was only minimum wage. But it was a job, and he knew he needed to talk to Josie about it.

"Really, I'm sorry..if..if you think I'm ignoring you. I'm not." He promised when he stopped by her house after school. "I want to know if..uh.."  He winced then, knowing if Henry were here, he'd be doing all the talking. Maybe he let him talk to much, lately. He wanted to know when her next doctor appointment would be. He asked if he could come. Maybe be there for a sonogram.

She shrugged, a little indifferent. Instantly, he thought of his sister Amanda and wondered if that's where it had all started, how depressed she'd get when she was pregnant. There just weren't enough people around to keep her happy. Or so he used to think. He hoped that didn't happen to Josie.

"Are you sure? You're OK? How's Topher?" Derrick guessed he should ask about him.

 She went to get him a juice and told him that Topher was busy with his band.

"Or so he says. I think he's avoiding me." She sounded miserable, but not enough to not have a yogurt.

"Maybe..he's just busy." Derrick wasn't so sure how positive he sounded. "I mean, my dad has been busy, all his life, and I know he thinks he's this fantastic provider and everything, but..I see him so.. differently now." He sipped his orange juice as he looked at Josie, thinking he really wanted  to be a part of his child's life. He knew he could be a better dad than his own.

 "Do you want me talk to Topher?" It would be weird, but Derrick would, if she wanted him too.

"No. Don't worry about it." She shook her head, as she played with the yogurt on her spoon. "You seem really happy, lately. Henry makes you happy." She stirred the yogurt more and finally took a spoonful. "If Topher....could just be more like...Henry..." She sighed then. "Maybe its best if this just fizzles out now than, you know...later." She sounded as if she wouldn't count on Topher, for anything.

"Have you even talked to him?" Derrick glared at her as if she needed to get on the phone, right now. "You two need to talk.You were so happy.. And.." He grabbed her phone on the kitchen counter and direct dialed Topher. "We're gonna fix this." He handed over the phone to Josie when Topher picked up.