Wednesday, December 2, 2015

what to do

what to do

Josie wasn't sure to be full of enthusiasm or not. Especially, with her Mom.

As it was Derrick and his family stole their thunder about the baby news. They'd moved in down the street from her mother's house. Duncan flipped a house. It was small, yet a great starter family home and Derrick was renting to own it.

So much happiness, all around at Thanksgiving. And then their news seemed to stump them.

Maybe she envied Derrick and Rossie, and yet she was happy for them. But it wasn't until now that she thought she'd have to share them with her Mom, who'd done so much cooking and even more with their little house.

Honestly, she wanted to yell at them all, "What about Henry and me?"

She'd been rather deviant. She didn't even say a word to her mother about the pregnancy.

"No, don't you start this with her." Henry wouldn't have her in a pout. "We have to do something, to get you out of this slump."

She thought this meant getting a Christmas tree. That was the way Henry's mind worked. Instead, He had plastic trash bags of plastic grocery bags. He'd been inspired. "We're going to make sleeping mats for the homeless."

The thought made her dizzy, but he already had a few balls started of the plastic strips to crochet into mats.

"I know you're going to love it." He smiled.

She winced, thinking he'd really lost it.

"When you start to get all mad at your Mom and how you don't think she cares about you anymore, I want you start crocheting." He handed her over a fat crochet hook. "Remember, you'll be helping someone in need."

She sighed. She didn't think she'd like it, but after the first couple of rows, she got the hang of it. Yes, maybe it was therapeutic, after all.