Saturday, February 24, 2018

I've never been here before

I've never been here before

"Cool." Kramer gave Ollie a pat on the back when he told him about his Native American roots.

"Gotta say, you're the first I've ever met. What tribe are you from?" Kramer wanted to know.

"I dunno." Ollie acted like he didn't want to be touched at the moment, but that didn't stop Kramer from giving him a hug.

They were taking a break at work in the diner. Kramer got himself some chili fries and cheese and Ollie stuck with a creamed coffee.

"You, need to eat." Kramer was certain he hadn't, so he did his best to share with him. Ollie took a cheesy fry.

"You're not all weird out, are you?" Kramer wanted to know. Ollie shrugged as if he didn't care, but Kramer knew he did.

"You, should be happy." Kramer told him. "Aren't you glad he told you?"

"Aw, but there is so much that he hasn't." Ollie looked restless as he cradled the cup of coffee. "He won't talk about my mother. I don't even know if she's dead or alive." He pressed his lips tight.

"Have you asked?" Kramer wanted to know. Ollie shook his head, no.

"I know, you two aren't very close, even if you live at the same house." Kramer understood. It was hard to get know family. Of course, he was certain he was no help in that area. Just then he got a text from Natalie. It surprised him so, that he sat up.

She'd moved in with Joon. Kramer winced hard.

"What?" Ollie looked at him as if the world might be on the verge of ending.

"Natalie moved in with Joon." He cracked a smile. "And she's inviting me over for dinner."

"Are you gonna bring your girlfriend?" Ollie asked.

"God," He hadn't thought of that. "Should I?"

Kramer wasn't sure he was ready for Natalie to interrogate Dara. However, he did live with Dara, who was far more sophisticated than any of his friends.

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