Wednesday, July 18, 2018

we should have known

Winnie didn't know where to begin. She felt as if she and Doyle were a burden to Leila, yet at the same time, she knew they needed to be here. At least, Baby Bella was a distraction for Leila.

"Maybe, if..if I go back to work, you can keep Bella for me, and we can stay here since she loved it so much, and of course, you, too." Winnie had applied places, but no interviews yet since most were on vacation. But she hoped she heard good news soon. Otherwise, she might be twiddling her thumbs. She knew she was no cook. Still, she hoped they weren't making life harder for Leila.

Leila didn't say much, other than a nod. She was so quiet lately. 

"It will get better." Winnie let her know. "You're family and we want to be here for you."

Of course, there was the other matter, Ivy and Brian. She could tell Leila was shook up about it. As if she were the worst mother.

"We'll get used to that too," Winnie told her they needed Brian to do more around the house. After all, if he was going to live here for Ivy, it shouldn't be a free ride.

"Who knows, he might even leave if he can't go by the rules." Winnie knew the boy, already got what he came for. 

She really needed to talk to that cousin of hers, but she doubted it would do any good. They would just have to go on and be a family. At least, she would be there for Leila. Winnie promised she would pay for all that Leila had done for them, but just as she thought, Leila wouldn't take the money.

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