Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday

Jools was beginning to wonder what he was getting into with Joley. He spent Thanksgiving with her and her family. Of course, it wasn't so much about what one was thankful for, but more of what will we buy first on Black Friday. Perhaps, Thanksgiving was more grab and go, than anything.

Her mother had to work and her Dad left the turkey and the trimmings on the table. They could eat when they wanted. Honestly, Jools felt a little sorry for her, but all she could think about was a new smartphone or sweater sets and shoes. He wondered why he liked her at all.

Of course, she looked amazing in everything she wore. Still, he wasn't sure she would like anything about the doll he'd made and planned to give her at Christmas. He guessed he wasn't materialistic enough for her. She'd even dressed him in an attire to go shopping in. She had a list and a map of all the places she wanted to go before noon on Black Friday.

They started shopping just before midnight on Thanksgiving.

It was certainly exhausting. Yet, it wasn't much different from the aunties in his family who loved to shop as much as they liked to gamble on a good bicycle race. He thought he'd gotten away from that sort of thing. By evening they were hanging out at her Dad's favorite sports bar with him where he liked to play KENO.

In spite of all these flaws, he wanted to be with Joley. He did want to make her happy. He imagined he would be happy too. But he was beginning to think Joley didn't even know what true happiness was. How could he explain it to her? He was afraid he was just an empty promise too.

He'd fallen for her perfect smile. When reality set it, he was beginning to see her true colors. And it made him sad, she didn't know what it felt like to be in a good home. She had her new apps to try, games to get into. Maybe she didn't want to think about her home, either.

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