Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The heat is on


Chance wondered why his parents were still here. It was just so out of the ordinary to see them so often. Of course, they liked to show up without calling ahead.

"When are you guys going back?" Chance wondered if his brother knew. Just how long could they live in his brother's basement. "Don't you miss the ocean?"

"I don't miss it as much as you'd think," his dad shrugged. "It's too expensive."

Chance nodded. It sounded funny coming from someone who had raised him all these years in Hawaii. "But, it'll be cold come winter."

"I grew up in Seoul, your mother knows how cold it can get." His dad assured him. "We've sold our home. Now, we are just waiting to find us a good place here." It sounded as if it was settled.

"I don't guess you'll be getting a tiny house," Chance grinned. About then Rosie brought out cold drinks under the shaded area where they had a picnic table. 

"No, I don't think so. We'd like to be close to you boys."

Chance nodded.

"There are good hospitals here," Of course, his parents were too young for assisted living, but if they could find a condo that was on the ground floor that would be nice. "Your brother is looking into it."

Chance figured as much from Casey.

"No, your other brother Torry."

"Torry?" Chance winced. Funny, the brother they came to visit all those years ago, they hardly saw him anymore. He was busy teaching art or working on murals on old buildings in small towns. The guy was always busy with his partner Arlo. Torry was still waiting for his longtime girlfriend to get her memory back. Unfortunately, she was also paralyzed and had been sick with COVID at the assisted living place where she lived.

It would be weird having the whole family together for the holidays. There always seemed to be one of them missing.

"When are you two getting married?' His father finally piped in.

Chance tried to smile. He scratched the back of his head, but Rosie reached for him with a hug.

"Your mother and I married young," he said.

Honestly, he thought his dad was exaggerating. After all, his dad had Torry a few years before he even met Chance's mom. From his understanding, his dad was teaching at a University and his mom was a foreign exchange student from mainland China. 

Chance winced wondering if his dad had forgotten this, or maybe it was just an excuse. His dad acted as if he'd help them if they got married by September.


  1. Hola! me gusto mucho el capítulo de hoy. Besos

    1. "Hello! I really liked today's chapter. Kisses" Thanks so much!

  2. "I love your posts are well written" Thank you so much! Thank you for visiting and the wonderful comment!

  3. Great chapter! Wow, it must have been terrible to lose my memory more because of the covid

    1. LOL! Thanks for seeing the funny side of it. =)

  4. "When are you two getting married?"...hahaha....all parents ask this question when you start dating someone:D Great chapter as always, Ellie.
    PS OMG! I re-subscribed to VIKI because of Mouse. Love it! Thanks for the recommendation. I am on Episode 10 now, I think. I can't wait to finish it, then I'll watch the movie. And thanks for the rec on the other show too. Sounds right up alley:)

  5. Uy genial fragmento . Te mando un beso

  6. The part about Chance's parents is sad. Although I do feel less sorry for them when they start bugging him about getting married! Anyway, lots of complicated family stuff going on here. This line really sums it up: "It would be weird having the whole family together for the holidays. There always seemed to be one of them missing." It's interesting that Chance's dad was a teacher at the university where his mom was a student. Was she his student, I wonder? And, of course, the part about Torry's girlfriend having amnesia from COVID is absolutely chilling. As a lot of people say, real-world life now borders on sci-fi.

    I'm over the moon that you included my snack attack barrette brooch in your collage! And I love that you put it right next to that funky bucket hat (not to mention below the wedding gown, ha ha). You are too kind. By the way, how's your bucket hat coming?

    1. I feel bad I didn't explain Torry and his girlfriend part. Actually, I had written about Torry long before Chance and Casey (his half brothers showed up) They felt they needed to be with him when the crisis came up with his girlfriend. Although, I didn't go in to details..even then..that she attempted suicide when he said NO to getting married. And she's never been able to actually move again so she resides in a nursing home.

  7. It's good to have a family close to you and one that you can count on

  8. This one question, "when are you two getting married?" is one question children never like their parents asking them because they feel pressured. Depending on the relationship between parents and their children. Some avoid staying near because they feel they might lose their freedom and privacy with their parents living too near them.

  9. Parents mean well ~ but difficult growing up ~ perhaps, they need to let go a bit???~ family is important ~ realistic writing ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. no way:D those question about getting married are the most uncomfortable ;p

  11. The dad question... JAJAJAJA
    I love this chapter, it's amazing, like always
    Thanks for sharing, dear
    kisses ♥

  12. Hello!! amazing chapter!! I enjoyed it, thanks for sharing.


  13. Família é tudo, mas as vezes ficam
    cobrando casamento e outras coisas...

    De Outro mundo
