Sunday, July 28, 2024

Ruby, are you contemplating

 "I don't have anything against Maddie," Ruby says while Rafe washes and rinses the dishes while she dries. She doesn't make him do everything like he says half the time. She is trying to do everything with him. However, she does a majority of the cooking because he's pretty tuckered out from truck driving classes and driving the bakery truck.

Rafe is silent as usual. It's hard to tell if he's mad at her or the whole world. She wishes he'd relax, but just as a bowl almost rolls out of the drainer and they both jump to catch it, their fingers touch. Ruby smiles when their eyes meet. He nearly smiles but returns to what is left of the pots and pans. They don't have much to wash and she swears it is therapeutic for the both of them. Yet, it is hard to be a role model. He knows what a trainwreck she can be to organize anything. Actually, he's quite good. She hasn't had a chance to tell him. It never seems to be the right time.

"Don't even think about bothering Harley," Rafe says out of the blue while he's finishing up. 

"Why?" It's not like she's out to blackmail her or anything, but still she'd like to do something a little snide. It might make her feel better. It's not all KC's fault. Although, he's a faded memory for the most part these days. Maybe she's been to busy to think on the past.

"Because," he has suds on his hands, and his nose. She watches him wondering if he knows. 

"You love her don't you?" Ruby has a chance to rub it in. She just doesn't see why anyone would like Harley. Besides, Ruby brought up Maddie not Harley. Rafe won't say a word about her.

"It's not that," he shakes his head, no. "She's in a relationship."

"Relationship?" Ruby shrugs with a laugh. She dries the dish and shuffles away in her crocks. She's wearing a strappy dress that she only wears around the apartment. "You make it sound  like she's got a degree or something."

"Look, it's Brick and I'd hate to see them split up just because of KC," Rafe squints back at her as if she should know. He has talked about Brick before.

"Is he even your friend?"

"Doubt it, but that's beside the point," Rafe finally notices the suds on his nose and wipes it away. "He's had a bad life. His dad broke his arm when he tried to take him away from his mother. His dad has been in jail ever since. It's like the fool doesn't want to get out."

"Well, that is sad, but Brick looks like he's doing just fine," Ruby shrugs giving him a pompus look.

 They'd seen them down at the PRIDE parade. Naturally, Rafe wouldn't let her near Harley. They couldn't even say hello to his brother and his boyfriend.

"I thought you were over all this." 

Rafe glares at her as if she has to stop dwelling on the past.

He has finished up. He wipes his hands on his jogging shorts and stretches his old T-shirt to see how damp it is. Evidently, it's doable for the night.

 It's time to watch a little TV. They do this together because they want to get their money's worth from Hulu and Disney Plus.

"I am," she presses her lips tight. She follows him to the couch. They plop down together, only he's on the left and she's on the right with a huge space between them. Rafe props his bare legs on the coffee table to get comfortable. He turns on the TV. The shows pop up. He guesses right. She likes old shows she remembers when she was younger, the ones she watched with her mom, SAVED BY THE BELL. 

"I just think maybe..maybe we can be friends with Maddie and Boone," Ruby sighs as she digs into the candy dish on the coffee table and grabs a ring pop. She tosses him a green one. He takes it as if this is an automatic routine.

"Why would we do that?" He finally gives her a look that she's not supposed to be talking during the show. They are watching what she wants to watch. He likes nature shows, especially the Dog Whisper.

"Because," she won't look at him. Perhaps she's just testing him.


  1. Other amazing chapter, I love it!
    Thanks for sharing your art and creativity
    Kisses ♥

  2. I think that women have better intuition and know what and how to do :-) Have a nice Sunday!

  3. Interesting -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.con

  4. Sounds like a Stones music
    Ruby tuesday๐Ÿ™‚

  5. A wonderful new chapter, I enjoyed it. Have a great week, Ellie.

  6. Oooooo...I have to go back a bit coz I don't remember now what's going on with Rafe, Ruby, Harley and the gang....juicy as always:) And I also think washing dishes can sometimes be therapeutic....just sometimes though....LOLZ
    PS Thanks so much for stopping by. Since we got back from the cottage, it's been really busy so I'm so behind my blog reading!!!! ACK!

    1. Happy Monday, Ellie! And thanks for the heads up on Dashing Youth. I've only really seen Chinese movies but not dramas, and this one sounds interesting!

  7. Thank you for the new chapter <3

  8. Look Ellie I think those Disney cable channels and so on are a big obstacle to a good date night, they just want to watch series!!! For a while there, I thought the dishwashing would end differently! I think you're both very withdrawn! I'd also like you to explain to me what you wrote in a comment on my blog, that my stories make you smile, why? Because they're naive, a different culture to yours, explain better, please!

  9. My husband and I like to watch the Dogwhisper as well. We are both dog lovers, but we haven't gotten a dog since our was poisoned.

  10. love the nature shows too....
    nice story

  11. Me gusta Rafe, te mando un beso.

  12. they can be friends i do not see why not:D

  13. hola
    estupendo capรญtulo, siempre me dejas con ganas de mas

  14. The new chapter is very interesting :)

  15. It's fun in fiction. But testing your partner in real life isn't. Lol! I hope they figure this out.

  16. Hmm, an interesting exchange between Rafe and Ruby. I wonder where it will lead? I loved the Saved by the Bell reference; I used to watch the reruns while I did my homework. ๐Ÿ“บ๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ’–

    I'm so glad to hear that it's going well with the new insulin pen. And that the new library is nice. I can imagine there are a lot of logistical issues, though, like the ones you mentioned with the IP addresses. That's interesting about putting old books in a cabinet under lock and key. It reminds me of how you have to get someone to unlock the razers for you in Walmart. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“š
