Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What we keep


Rafe didn't know if he had it in him to stay up past nine. He was dragging these days, but the apartment was cozy. Of course, it was all Ruby. He felt he was only visiting.

She'd made something cheezy again. She swore she didn't like cheese but it always came back to a KRAFT dinner and hamburger or sometimes, ham. Which always gave him a wince. Needless to say, he'd been on his own to dig through the fridge for dinner most nights of his high school life. 

As usual, she rounded out the meal with cucumber salad and crunchy carrots. It was kind of a homecooked meal, and Rafe was glad to have it.

He heard the jangle on her wrist, but he didn't think much of it. If only he could vacuum the dinner all up in his mouth and head to bed, Rafe knew he couldn't. She would talk about somebody from work. There was always a story that he knew he might be quizzed on later. He'd grown to expect it.

"Do you notice anything different?" Ruby asked before he could even get in a fork full of noodles. He held the food in his cheeks and looked at her as if this was definitely a big question. He couldn't think of a thing. He swallowed his food and took a sip of water.

"Your hair."

Rafe decided that was a safe one. It was up for these summer days.  He smiled pleasantly, hoping that would be enough.

"Nope, that's not it." 

Ruby was straight-lipped as if he needed to find the answer. Rafe shrugged a bit puzzled. She pushed her wrist up in the air again. Rafe's eyes widened. He cleared his throat. It was his bracelet.

"Where..where did that come from?" His frown was small.

"Oh, I've been wearing it well over a week," Ruby informed him as if he wasn't aware of anything.

He didn't want his appetite ruined. He just dove into the casserole in the pasta dish as if to keep quiet. Not think how this all came about. Ruby watched and finally found a cucumber or two to crunch on while he finished the meal.

"Aren't we going to talk about this?" She asked as he picked up his clean dish and put it in the kitchen sink.

"What's there to know?"

"You know who gave it to me, don't you?" She called to him as he gripped the counter at the sink.

"So." He didn't want to talk about Maddie.

"She's quite nice, you know." Ruby then said.

Rafe nodded. "Yeah, she's the nice one. I'm not. I know that." He looked over his shoulder. Ruby was still content at the little dining table. 

"I know you know."

It was a sad feeling that Ruby knew, and it was something Maddie would never let go, knowing his genuine angst. Rafe pressed his lips tight. Sure he wanted to do something special for Ruby, but he was too tired to think. He was certain she'd be the one who'd have couple rings for the both of them when the time came. The rings would be trendy and possibly just black rubber.

How come it had come to this? Letting her make all the decisions. When to do this. What they should do. It was all so much easier this way. And he was afraid it would become addictive.


  1. Hello Ellie, thank you for another interesting story. I like cheese, although I'm a vegetarian and I like to sleep late...

    Have a good day!

    1. I can see how some want to avoid this kind of topic. Relationships aren't always romantic. We each come with faults. And a lot of times, we are our biggest enemy. Yet we manage to go on even if the other knows they might have their own way of dealing with being a couple. I feel Rafe knows himself. Maybe it stems how he grew up. But its good he is realizing how it is with Ruby.

  2. Cucumber and carrot salad sounds good and refreshing. Its getting getting tough yet slowly but surely it'll untangled.

  3. Relationships are tough to manage -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

  4. Human beings are compulsive hoarders of objects and repressed emotions.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematographic greetings.

  5. Relationships change as time goes on and sometimes could use an adjustment.

  6. That's an interesting conversation.

  7. Rafe, Ruby, and the bracelet . Well, Rafe promised himself he'll give Ruby all the right rings when the right time comes. Good thought.

  8. Hello!

    I don't think there's a magic formula for relationships, some work in one way and others in another, and the formula that works for some doesn't work for others! The important thing is for people to communicate their needs, I don't think that's what's happening with these two! There could be problems further down the line! The most important thing in a relationship is good communication between the couple, without that someone will feel erased in the relationship! Big Kisses!

  9. I like how you add details into your stories to make them more realistic, like for example, the details about what your characters might be eating... and how consistent their behaviour is.
    I particularly liked this scene because I felt I can really feel how tired Rafe is. It opens with- "Rafe didn't know if he had it in him to stay up past nine. He was dragging these days, but the apartment was cozy. Of course, it was all Ruby. He felt he was only visiting...." and you can really feel him struggling to pay attention to the conversation and everything....and maybe he's also feeling guilty because he's being so passive? Maybe he likes it that she decides about everything but he also wonders should he?

  10. Holding the food in his cheeks. Poor dude just wants to eat. Rafe sounds down honestly. And like the commenter above said... I could feel his tiredness. I've been dragging to oso maybe I'm just relating :)

    1. Thanks for you comment. Oh, Rafe's trying to be the guy he's supposed to be..but he might sleep right through it.

  11. Eu gosto desta combinação de cenoura, pepino e macarrão.
    Boa semana! Boas inspirações!

  12. Uy que linda pareja. Te mando un beso.

  13. A very good episode. Being a couple is also the art of compromise.

  14. Algunas veces las relaciones son complicadas. Rafe parece realmente cansado. Besos

  15. Ellie,
    Those who save too much don't make the most of what they have. And this applies to objects and feelings.
    A hug and have happy days!!!

  16. i like how beautifully you paint intensity within relationships :)
    i agree with last comment as well so true

  17. I knew the bracelet thing would be touchy! I don't blame Rafe for being weirded out. But even more concerning is his fear that Ruby's steamrolling his life. I hope he untangles that one . . . 😮😮😮😮😮😮
