Saturday, August 17, 2024

You hold the light in my dark


Harley felt she'd been left behind. There were so many few days between college and and her job at the elementary school, but she was so happy to catch up with Izzy even if Brick wasn't too keen about it.

" you guys are a real couple now?" She hated to ask, but found herself alone with Izzy in her kitchen while the boys were busy gaming, naturally.

"Hard to believe, isn't it?"  Izzy looked as if she'd had enough. 

"No, not at all," Harley kept smiling. " long as you are happy."

"I guess, so," she sighed.

"You guess so?" Harley tried to be the friend Izzy needed. She didn't come emptied hands, She had lots of fruit and veg from the farmer's market. 

"Do you miss Link?" Harley looked at her blankly as she put the items away in Lizzy's bare fridge.

"No, not really."

"That's a good thing, right?" Harley wanted to know.

"I guess," she sighed.

"But you're happy, right?" That was the question Harley needed to know.

"Of course," she sighed with a laugh, "I mean, I've got Mercer now and you know..the boys."

"The boys," Harley smiled thinking she wished she was near instead of back home. "You'll have to invite Brick over, when you can."

"Must I?" Izzy sounded as if she didn't want to.

"Oh, you know you will," After all, Brick was in the dorm now. "He isn't that awful."

"I know," Izzy sounded tired even if she was in her hippy chick gear. "Mercer can cook when I don't feel like it."

"Oh, really," Harley smiled. She's missed the little guy. "Are he and Cade OK?"

"I guess," she shrugged. "Cowan got Mercer on in the Drama Department."

"Wow, that is so great!" Harley couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, he really wanted to work at Subway on campus, but they wouldn't hire him because-"

"Yeah, I figured as much," Harley nodded, knowing someone with epilipsy shouldn't be using a meat cutter.

"He's a drama major now," Izzy smiled.

"Seriously?" Harley could hardly believe it. "What does Cade think?"

"Who cares, the kid is busy. Merc even got a gig with a fashion show at the mall. I mean, he is trying." Izzy told her.

"What about you?" Harley hoped Izzy wasn't overdoing it.

"Oh, still at the soap place, I'm assistant manager," Izzy sighed with a nod.

Harley gave her a hug. She was proud of her friend for staying with a job so long. 


  1. Being happy is very important.

  2. I know a lot of people who are always jumping from job to job, never satisfied! That doesn't seem to be the case! When you're happy in a place and when you feel you belong there, then that's the job that fulfills you!!! I wish you a happy and creative weekend!

  3. Muy bien por Izzy. Te mando un beso.

  4. So true.

  5. I'm glad they are catching up. Both are going through changes. Hopefully, for the better.

  6. Sometimes it takes a lot of patience to stay in a job for a long time!
