It had been on Dan's mind for quite a while now. Funny, two antidepressants almost put him in a deep sleep, but the one kept him focused and he was going on with life the best he could.
The dreams still came deep in the night. He knew he'd never be what Ivy wanted and neither would their baby Angel.
Sure, he suspected he was at fault, going all the way back the the Chinese Mexican connection. Although, Spanish wasn't supposed to be his native tongue, it somehow came about when he was adopted as a youngster. He didn't know of his orgin and the foster system didn't much have time to look into, either. They probably hadn't meant to pass him off in such a way. Of course, it hadn't been just him. His sister could at least converse with him in their native tongue although, it took almost two decades to find her. Yet, he knew now Ivy looked down on this. It hadn't been a problem when he knew her from before when they were growing up, but now everything was a problem.
If that wasn't enough, he was certain she was still in love with her ex (Jay) who had a new family with Lindy. After all, Lindy was a good mother to Jay and Ivy's daughter. She probably knew Ivy's little one better than Ivy ever would.
Dan confessed this to his buddy Jory out on the basket ball court last weekend. Oh, it was warm and things were thawing then.
Naturally, Jory shot back, "You don't mean it. You've got to be the most stable guy I know."
Dan found himself laughing, "Goes to show how much you know." He took a shot and his lanky body made it.
He'd made up his mind even then. "I'm just not happy."
"What are you going to do?" Jory asked. Dan didn't really know, but he needed to do something. Those were his thoughts then.
Yes, he'd thought it through just after he dropped off his toddler Angel at his grandmother's house. Dan did want to be happy, and he needed to find it without Ivy. The thought of going all the way to Florida to get married felt dreadful now, but the idea of just letting her go there alone felt as if it might be the right thing to do, being free of each other.
Somehow, he knew it would end this way all along, even if she kept promising it wouldn't. Yes, it felt enlightening to know this now. Of course, he wasn't paying attention. Dan was driving too fast in a school zone and just as he was trying to break, something slipped. The breaks weren't working. Suddenly, it was an awkening of steel teeth knashing, and glass shattering as his old car spun.
.....You've got to be the most stable guy I know....what we see ain't always what they truly are..
ReplyDeleteJak zawsze ciekawa historia
ReplyDeletePozdrawiam coraz jaśniejszym dniem
I feel sorry for Dan. It must be horrible feeling that you're never good enough.
ReplyDeleteHaving a complicated family history or coming from foster care can really make one struggle with identity. Dan seems like a really good guy. It's often the good persons that overthink things- because they care enough about everything to think about it. Sometimes caring can be overwhelming.
Imagine if Ivy really is still in love with her ex that has a new family.
That would be really unfair to Dan. It's easy to understand why he has doubts about Ivy. He needs to sorts this out and talk to her openly.
Thanks for your comment. He is complicated. I came about the backstory about him from a friend who adopted someone who they had told her was of hispanic origin, but later they found out he wasn't. There is an upside, especially, if you are bilingual. Although, Dan's not just depressed, but so Ivy.
ReplyDeleteahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! me has dejado helada, espero que no le pase nada en el accidente que está sufriendo, ni que haya otras victimas
Thanks for your comment! More to come.
DeleteIt's a common feeling in life:-)
ReplyDeleteHello, Ellie,
ReplyDeleteI wonder what this accident will lead to. I'm thinking right now! It seems that good people always have bad things happen to them, I'm talking about myself too! I wish you a happy weekend! And keep being that creative person!<333
Very good
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting the idea of bad things happening to good people being so popular in dramas. But it is kind of true IRL. And the opposite it seems some people can get away with a lot of nasty things and never being held account and nothing bad happens to them either...
ReplyDeleteAllie of
People get good at covering, so often those hurting inside mask it so well, friends and family don't know. People do however let too much drama in their lives, and perhaps think too much about things instead of taking one day at a time. Trying to dissect the things people do and say, or don't say can make you crazy; plus often you mis-read the situation. I think young people today do that far more than people my age did in our youth.
ReplyDeleteDan sounds depressed about his life.
ReplyDeleteOh no. I hope he's all right and isn't hitting anyone! Yikes. He's got a lot happening. It's hard too since they have a child. I hope they can talk it out...
ReplyDeleteUy ojala no les pase nada malo. Te mando un beso.
ReplyDeleteQue triste esse acidente com ele, espero que ele esteja bem, Ellie boa semana bjs.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your comment. Glad to hear from you!