Tuesday, February 11, 2025

I want to know what it feels like

 Oh, it was a little early, Chili first thought when she learned the news on her bathroom sink. But as she squinted into the reality of the pink and white stick, well, she was late, very late.

First she jumped for joy because she was told what felt a long time ago that she didn't have many eggs left. Now she felt a little selfish....but 

Maybe it was a good time to go back to bed and turn on a meditation CD in her old stereo. She'd need some time to explain this to Axton.

But it was too late, he came up from behind her with a hug. "What's this?"

She heard him laugh, and she laughed too. "Um, I had a feeling about this."

His warm lips kissed the side of her neck. Chili felt happiness, but somehow she still felt sad.

"You're not mad about this?"

"Well, some things in nature just can't be stopped," he said. "We'll just roll with it, won't we? We always do."

She nodded, and she turned to hug him. She did need his hug.

"You have a doctor, already, don't you?"

"Well, yeah." Although, that was just her PCM. She'd gone to the women's clinic before, but now that she had insurance that would mean going to the medical center.

"Make an appointment, right now." He sounded as if she'd regret it if she didn't. He went to brush his teeth and shower. She would wait after coffee.

"Decaff for you," he reminded her as he turned on the shower. Chili smiled. She'd been drinking decaf for months now, along with protein and vegetables. She went to get dressed for work.

Oliver wasn't sure if it was an early Valentine's gift or just his dad's way of wanting him to get on with things with Gabby.

"No, you two take your time," he said. "We'll have Carrie and we can go to the zoo and the Children's Museum. She'll want to go shopping, and you know how Betty likes to play Barbies. We'll have fun."

His suggestion was for them to have some time together. "Maybe stay at Gabby's."


Of course, that sounded too easy. "Give it a try. Maybe it's too soon." He shrugged. Of course, he knew his dad he could make do anywhere, and he had, but now he was married to Brick's grandmother Betty (who adopted Oliver when he was a teen) and it was their home that Oliver loved. "But at least try to make a home for Carrie."

So with that, a good portion of the time was spent on Gabby's extra bedroom. Most of it was thrifted, but he'd found the memory foam topper so it turned into a pink princess bedroom rather quickly. Gabby noticed the doll house at Good Will. It was beat up, but a steal. Oliver repainted it pink for Carrie's Barbies.

He thought about what his dad said, "Getting to know Gabby." Oliver was feeling better about that. At least, they'd visited her family and it felt important. It was a start. Something in his heart knew Gabby wanted to be Carrie's step-mom and maybe they would be the family they always wanted.


  1. Thanks for sharing.
    I invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!

  2. Axton sounds very responsible! xxx

  3. Hello, these two seem very keen to make everything work! I hope everything works out for them! I think you're contributing to the birth rate in America ahahah!!! Thank you for this and I wish you a lovely week! Hugs


  4. It's sweet that he's thinking about decaffeinated coffee.

  5. Changes will be coming and I hope they will all be good ones.

  6. Espero que las cosas salgan bien y que todo vaya bien par ala nena. te mando un beso.

  7. Deve ser muito bom descobrir uma gravidez desejada!
    Parabéns para Chili! Beijos! :D
