Sunday, February 9, 2025

It's way too real, I'm way too sober

 "Unbelievable, it's just unbelievable," Dan shook his head no, but then he filled with laughter. The flooring was brand new. He remembered those squeaky wood floors. 

Honestly, he felt bad about letting the place go, like he did all those years ago when he was single and thinking he'd never have a family. It felt right then. Letting it go to a family. Oh, he'd painted the rooms, back then, but he didn't do a lot. 

The basement was prone to water and he'd tried his best to get that in line for the new family back then. Maybe the kitchen was the worst. The cabinets didn't even have doors back then, now there was a new kitchen window at the sink and the the place was so brand new.

It made him smile. He knew he shouldn't be so happy. Yes, he'd saved up after he sold the place. But, he thought of the accident, thinking he was the blame. Only, he wasn't. That high schooler was driving faster than he was. 

It felt like a wake-up call. Still, he wasn't sure what Ivy would think.

"Well, let's get it," she finally smiled. "We'll, have more room here, and..well, when you know, the other kids visit, they'll have a place to stay." She was impressed with the backyard and, and of course, the closet space.

"The master bedroom has a bathroom," Ivy practically laughed. Oh how they needed more bathrooms in their life. There was one in the basement and another on the main floor for company.

Simon said the place still had good bones which he couldn't say about some of the newer housing. He talked about the taxes, they weren't as painful as some of the surrounding cities.

"You know, your job well," Dan nodded.

"I think Matty wanted to get the place for Valentina, but she changed his mind. She said this would always be your house, and if there was a way you could get it, well, she wanted me to help," Simon said some neighborhoods were being bought up by corporations, but not here. 

Dan nodded. Yes, he had to take Simon up on this offer. He knew with this economy it was all so unpredictable, but he wanted to take a chance.

Ivy was thrilled and she hugged Dan. For the first time, he felt they were in this together. It felt as if life just got better.


  1. Really good chapter, I liked it!
    Thanks for you creativity, your commnets, you nice wishes to me everytime
    Have an amazing week
    Kisses ♥

  2. When we have someone by our side, we feel that life is much easier ❤️

  3. Fazer uma reforma básica deixa tudo melhor.
    Boas inspirações em fevereiro! Beijos! :)

  4. It must be weird to see the place you grew up or used to live in renovated. And so true about older homes vs newer sometimes.


  5. You describe so well you characters, I loved to read each chapter.

  6. Uy que tierno fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  7. So everybody was happy with the house....

  8. Molto piacevole questo momento di lettura, complimenti💞
