Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Looking from the window above Its like a story of love.


"He's not all right," Valentina didn't feel the same way Zoey did about what happened to her brother Dan. She knew who the real culprit was.

Dan was to stay in the hospital overnight because he did hit his head.

"He's going to be OK," Zoey assured her. Valentina wished she could believe this. At least Angel could stay with her mother for the time being. But she knew Angel wasn't going to be taken care of by Ivy. 

"I've never liked her," Valentina's face tensed when she thought of Ivy. Val talked about how Ivy was back in high school. She didn't trust her, even then. 

"Look, Ivy wasn't even there when it happened," they'd driven to the hospital together and Val wished Dan had someone like Zoey in his life. Of course, Zoey and her husband Alfie took care of Angel. Zoey mentioned they tried a few times a month to give Dan and Ivy a date night.

Valentina was in a huff, she knew she needed to cool down. She didn't want to be ugly, but it felt inevitable. Dan needed to move on. 

"Maybe, they can work it out," Zoey knew there were troubles. They stopped by the coffee shop for a late lunch.

"So they do argue?" Val didn't know.

"Of course, not," Zoey said maybe they would feel better if they did argue. "I know Dan is quiet. He's always been that way. I mean, he was always studying. He was so kind. He'd help out if someone was having trouble reading or math. I always thought he'd be a professor."

"You're good at finding the best in people," Valentina told her.

Honestly, Val was ready for Chili's chili. Her stomach growled. It was cold outside, and the coffee shop was warm and inviting. 

Winter was still hanging on, and now this with Dan. His car was totaled. Someone ran into him. It was amazing he only got a bump on the head. The other person was OK. Still, this shook Valentina's nerves. She felt she should stand up for him.

The bowl of chili came and it was hot and spicy in a rich tomato sauce with kidney beans and hamburger, but there were bits of carrots and black olives, smothered in cheese and topped with green onion. She knew Matty would envy her so she asked for a to-go order.

"You know, Matty noticed Dan's old house is for sale again," Valentina said it had been flipped and was curb appealing. It was just down the street from where they lived.

"I can imagine it being expensive," Zoey sighed as she crunched on a carrot. She got a Wisconsin cheese soup and a salad.

"Maybe he could buy it back," Val knew Ivy's mom would probably help. "I just hope Ivy wakes up before it's too late. Doesn't she realize how everyone has helped her, but she doesn't seem to know how to help anyone, least of all Dan."


  1. Come on, Ivy, get a grip!
    I'm got an Alison Moyet Only You earworm after reading your blog title! xxx

    1. Oh, I'm so glad you know who that is (✿◡‿◡)(✿◕‿◕✿)ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ Thanks for your comment❤️

  2. Hello,
    This episode has a lot of information to process! Sometimes we are so absorbed in life as it goes by that we don't realise who helps us and is always there for us! I wish you a happy rest of the week and keep up your creativity!

  3. Hello my dear, I haven't been to see you for a long time, I still have complications from pneumonia.
    I try to see the best in people. And I always read your stories with interest. Greetings, happy February!


  4. It's a good thing he wasn't seriously injured.

  5. Being grateful and showing that you care might be a nice touch instead of complaining.

  6. I'm ready for chili's chili too. But seriously- I've never had black olives in chili. MMM

    Anyway- interesting about Dan's house. Old house. And Valentina cares even if she's not to keen on Ivy

  7. Veamos que pasara con Ivy. Te mando un beso.

  8. The greatest blessing in life is to be grateful and one day be able to give back what we have received, not as a form of payment, but out of empathy.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematic greetings.

  9. Muitas pessoas não percebem que há pessoas que ajudam, Ellie bjs.

    1. Many people don't realize that there are people who help, Ellie bjs.🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤💕💕💕💕🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸Yes, unfortunately, this is very true.

  10. Hope Dan recover soon! At least he has his sister and friends there for him.

  11. Beautiful episode full of emotion and energy of various kinds
    Enjoyed thoroughly dear Ellie ❤️
    I agree that there are many people who aren’t familiar with such positive emotions such as helping others. I feel genuinely bad for them. Sadly they don’t help themselves even which is heartbreaking.
    Lots of love and best wishes to you and your family

  12. Helping can be a complex thing.
    Sometimes we feel like we're helping, but we're not.
    Sometimes we can help someone without realizing it and vice versa.
    Sometimes people help us when they are not trying to help and sometimes they hurt us when they are trying to help.
