Sunday, March 9, 2025

Don't know if it's Day or Night

 "Oh, I'm tired, just so tired."

That was the best way Koda could put it to Harry. 

"But you're happy being a dad," Harry smiled as they went on their way to check out the new engine in Harry's truck.

"You betcha, but a lot of times I can't tell if it's the flu or just being sore from holding him for so long," Koda yawned. He shook himself awake, doing his best to pay attention because this was something Harry worked so hard on all these months. 

Harry chatted awhile about how long it took to get this part and that part, and really Koda wasn't following. But he watched him point to that piece and how it connected here, and it only made Koda blink with sleep. He thought he might stagger against the truck. He couldn't help but yawn.

"So how are you and Mali doing?" Koda nodded hoping he'd heard enough about the engine.

Harry slammed the hood shut.

"We're doing." 

It was quiet then, but neither moved back toward the apartment building where Vanna and Mali were busy with the baby. The sun was shining, but winter was hanging in as if not to be too happy with the sunny weather.

Harry sighed. Koda hugged himself, wondering what this was about. Was Harry thinking about marriage, or was it over?

"I saw Maisy," Harry said, glaring at Koda as if he didn't need to say more.

"Maisy?" Koda squinted as if that was just crazy. Wouldn't he have texted as soon as he saw her, or something,  thought Koda.

"Yeah, I didn't talk to her." Harry was straight lipped. "It was over a month ago." It was at Wal-Mart and she didn't notice him.

"A month ago?" Koda winced a scowl. "Shouldn't you have said something to her?"

"I just couldn't," Harry sadly confided. He took a slow step toward the apartment building. It felt like a long walk across the parking lot. Koda followed.

"Why couldn't you?" Koda wanted to know.

"She's got a baby," he said.

"What?" Koda's voice cracked.

"It's nothing. It's not mine," he wouldn't look at Koda when he said it.

"Maybe, maybe she was just babysitting," Koda knew it sounded lame, but maybe it was possible.

"I don't know why she's back?" That was the question that bugged Harry the most. "Why would she come back?"

"Well-" Koda started to say something, but Mali was bouncing out to tell them that dinner was ready, and they better come eat the meatballs before they got cold.

"Sure thing, Babe," Harry could switch on the charm like he wasn't concerned about his ex-girlfriend Maisy.

Koda just looked at Harry with concern. Koda knew he could never be like that if his world was shaken up with Vanna. Of course, he could hardly wait to tell Vanna about the Maisy sighting. Yet, he knew it was a bad idea, but she'd get it out of him no matter what.


  1. Isn't Harry now with Mali? Why should he still want to talk to his ex?? Why people can't let go and move on?

  2. I agree with Angie, if Harry's with Mali he was right not to speak to his ex, life's too short! Another riveting tale! xxx

  3. Great job-you hooked me this morning!
