Thursday, April 25, 2024

Just wishing that I had just something you wore

 "You will go back, won't you?" Harley found some alone time with KC even if it was in her own room. Yes, it was practically after midnight, but there was some time they could actually see each other while he was on Spring Break.

"I guess," but he didn't sound as if he could make it out there. Especially with everything that went down with Ruby. "She hates me," he said about Ruby. Even if the bed wobbled just a little. She couldn't help to be happy that he was here with her. Maybe shades of green prevailed in her scope of things, but it felt so meant to be as she looked into his dark brown eyes.

"Maybe..maybe she was just-"

"No, I think it's over." KC shook his head that he wouldn't even try. "I don't want to make her a mean girl. I just-" He sighed as if he'd messed up. "She..she might have some anger issues."

"Really?" Harley cringed at the thought. Suddenly she remembered right before she became diabetic and  how things went down with Rafe. Oh, she wouldn't get into it now.

"I want you to be happy," she found herself taking both of his hands. "You were happy last year when  you were playing all those music festivals." Somehow, she knew they were friends forever. That's all they would ever be.

"I don't know, I haven't like forever." He looked so grim. Not the guy she remembered. They were so in tune with each other back then. Still, it was a bit dreamy having him here with the lights so low. They were whispering. And she felt so sad about that.

KC talked about growing up and how he played his electric guitar everyday in the the livingroom at home.

"Hey, you weren't so bad on the drums, either," Harley's smile was open. "You taught me everything I know."

"Yeah, right," he almost laughed back, but then gave her a hug, right there on her bed. He confessed he'd missed her so much. "I don't want you to hate me. I want you to be with Brick." But tears were in his eyes. She thought she might crumble too. 

She knew she had no business being with KC, but it felt so right. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

where do we go from here


It was a surprise to see Riley. Brandon hadn't expected it. Usually, she called to let him know she was in town.

"What's up?" He looked at her blankly. He held Heidi his niece who he was the guardian of on his hip even if he knew she was far too big to be carried. She was munching on an animal cracker. 

Of course, Riley was upset. She'd come from Yuki and Em's.

"Where's Melissa?" Brandon didn't understand with a wince. He let Riley into the apartment and told Declan to put the kettle on. Perhaps some herbal tea would help but with that distraught look on her face, he doubted it.

"At her mother's." 

Riley shrugged and took a seat on the couch. She was eager to give Heidi a little something. A Squishmellow that Heidi would never say No to. 

"But..but don't you guys do everything together?" Brandon sat down across from her and Declan came to join them.

"We had a fight."

"Really?" Brandon looked to Declan to check on the tea. He got up from the arm of the chair where Brandon was sitting and went back to the kitchen. "A real fight?"

"Oh, we argued on the way here," Riley practically crumbled, but at least Heidi gave her something to smile about as she gave the soft toy back to Riley to hug.

"What's going on?" Brandon squinted.

"I told you what would happen," she frowned. "Melissa doesn't want a baby. She hates babies, evidently."

Declan brought the tea then. Of course, there were the brownies. Although, Brandon told Declan to put them away. "I'll make us some lunch."

"She doesn't want me to have a baby," Riley said.

"That's all?" Brandon made it sound it wasn't so horrible. "Maybe?" He shrugged. "She just doesn't want you to go through all the pain."

"Or lose that figure of yours," Declan smiled with a silly grin. Of course, Brandon gave him the eye to go away.

"You have options," he told her. "I know you love kids."

"I used to think that's all I needed, you know, to work with children, but now..I want a family."

"Have you thought about fostering?" Declan said from the kitchen then.

"Just think of how many children need parents, right here in our community," Brandon mentioned. "It doesn't have to be a baby, you know."

"I don't know if she would go for that," Riley squinted. "I might have to do it on my own." She said she was certain she and Melissa were splitting up. 

"It was only a spat," Brandon didn't believe her. "You know you need Melissa as much as she needs you. I just can't see you two saying it's over after one little argument."

Sunday, April 21, 2024

It's just a little weird

 It was an odd gathering at the coffee shop, but Vanna still showed up with Koda. It felt strange to be there without Harry since this was about Maisy. Instead, it was just the four of them. Mercer and Cade knew Maisy first. Maybe they knew something.

"I did try to get a hold of her," Cade told them. He'd already bought some muffins while they waited for their tea and coffee.

Honestly, Vanna didn't wait. She grabbed the first muffin full of chocolate. She winced, she hated that she wanted chocolate so much during this pregnancy. Was something wrong with her? Of course, Koda looked at Vanna as if she needed better manners.

"I think she changed her phone number," Vanna had decided. First, her messages went through. At least the text, but Maisy wouldn't respond. Then she sent a voicemail.

"That's what I was thinking," Mercer gave her a nod. "We used to talk all the time."

"You did?" Cade looked at him as if that was a surprise.

"You know, it was nothing big. Just school and who she used to know," Mercer shrugged. Vanna nodded. It was hard to believe so much had happened since high school. Vanna was married now and they were getting ready for the baby to be here in August. 

"I guess we lost touch when..when I got pregnant," Vanna sounded as if it was all her fault.

"Don't say that," Koda scowled. "She wasn't one who..who you could be friends with." 

He told them they'd been friends with her because of Harry. Koda shook his head, "He's the sweetest guy, how could she have dumped him?"

"Let's don't make her sound know, a bitch of some kind. That was not Maisy," Vanna spoke up for her. "We were really friends."

"I know she was happy that you helped her with her jewelry making," Cade told her as he stirred his black coffee while Mercer took his chilled in a plastic cup. He put a little cream in his and stirred it with a straw.

"Are you sure?" Vanna cracked a grin. "I was so slow. I didn't know what she was even doing, at first."

"I can't believe she'd give it up," Mercer said.

"I dunno. I guess she was having some tax issues or something with the site," Vanna said. "It's like everything will cost you, these days."

"How is she even living in New York City?" Cade looked at them as if it must be impossible.

"Maybe it's working out," Vanna remained positive. She just wished her friend would call her. And she could see Cade and Mercer were worried too.

"I just can't imagine what Harry is going through," Koda looked sad about it. About then the waitress came over to ask for their order. 

"I feel like a bacon burger with fries," Vanna said first thing, "But I'll take the cheese omelet with some hashbrowns on the side instead." No way was she not going to let herself have some potatoes.

Friday, April 19, 2024

When Will I be Loved

 KC wanted to spend some alone time with Harley, but that would not happen with Brick around.

He hated this. He didn't like himself these days. And seeing Maddie didn't help either. Sure, they gave each other the silent treatment, but after a few days of not seeing Rafe around, he had to ask, "What happened?"

Of course, she was in the middle of doing her laundry, giving off a scolding vibe. He wasn't supposed to be here, but he didn't budge.

"Did you and Rafe break up?"

Again, nothing. 

He started telling her about losing his phone. He must have talked about the love of his life, his old phone, for a good five minutes before she nodded. She went on with her clothes but was very discreet about not letting him see her panties or bras.

"Didn't you hear, Rafe ran away," Maddie sighed.

"Ran away?" KC squinted. "What are you talking about?" He couldn't help but scowl.

"I'm not seeing him anymore."

"Oh yeah, that artsy dude," he told her he noticed. "What do see in him?" He couldn't help but crack up.

"A lot more than what I see in you," she didn't smile. It was as if it was time he knew he needed to shut up. 

KC then told her he and Ruby broke up. "I don't even know why," he wasn't terribly sad about it, yet he felt a little lost without her. "She just kept asking me if I had anything else to tell her." He knew he was talking to himself. Maddie wasn't listening. But then again, when had he ever listened to her.