Wednesday, May 14, 2008

sit'n with the guys

Ellie could see Leia was as snooty as she ever was. But really, Ellie knew she couldn't make a difference, even deep down she wished she could because she hated the fact that not everyone was going to like her.

Yet here she was at lunch, surrounded by boys. Eric, Cory now Nick. It was just mind boggling. But it was cool. Kind of awesome. And yet she felt she'd done something wrong. They were talking about the show. But Nick wasn't there. She could tell he felt a little bit out of the loop.

Of course, there was no Amber in sight. Ellie was afraid to ask what went wrong there. She felt a true commradary with Eric and Cory, yet there was something fake too. Like maybe there was a whole other world she'd never know. Maybe it was best not knowing. Maybe it was best to keep Nick in the dark too.

She talked to him about summer concerts coming up. There was an all day one coming up in July. There would be fireworks in the end.

"We should all go." He suggested. Tickets weren't that outrageous. He'd wanted to go to Kansas City to see Rush, but the tickets were eighty bucks. Naturally, Eric and Cory thought that was unbelievable. Plus gas alone would be a fortune for the trip. What was so great about that band, anyway?

"What?" Nick cracked a laugh, "Its Rush."

Ellie knew Kyle would have wanted to see Rush. He liked his classic rock.

"My Morning Jacket is coming." Ellie then mentioned as if the whole Rush conversation was going down hill quick.

Cory and Eric looked at her as if she'd really lost it.

"That July concert sounds really cool, " Cory said then. "We should do it, Nick. Even Snoop Dog will be there."

"Yeah, and lets not forget about the Cotton Mouth Kings," Eric grinned and Cory grinned, giving each other a high five.

Ellie didn't know what to say. She guessed she'd try to go, but then she looked away and saw Leia staring at her while Roxie was whispering something to her.


  1. I had an experience like that once. It was annoying. LOL.

  2. hey dear!
    you are in my links of the day!

    a kiss!!

  3. Thats funny about the kotton mouth kings

  4. As immature as they can be sometimes, guys make much better friends in my opinion. Thanks for commenting on my blog, would you like to link?
