Sunday, September 28, 2008


Cory checked on Dylan in the bathroom at IHOP.

Ellie kept staring at her coffee. Eric kept stirring his. He looked awful.

"I don't think we should do this again," Ellie had accepted the fact that maybe parties weren't the best idea, after all. Especially, on a whim like that. "I don't even know why I wanted to go, you know."

Eric didn't say anything. He'd been in a shoving match with Dylan over a kiss. Dylan really wanted Eric. It still shocked Ellie when she thought about it. How could that have happened?

At least Cory pulled them a part and got everyone in the car. Eric's car was still at the farm house.

"How come you didn't get drunk?" Ellie then asked when Cory came back from the restroom.

"Red bull." Cory nodded. " I didn't really drink all that much, but chasing down a beer with Red Bull isn't all that bad."

Ellie cringed at the thought.

"How did you know to do that?"

"Kyle told me." Cory shrugged.

"He would," Ellie scowled ever so slightly as she looked over at Eric who looked as if he might throw up. She touched his fingers then.

"I don't know why Dylan is with us." Eric had a sore look about this whole fiasco.

"He was just playing around," Cory sighed. "He was kissing everyone."

"Our luck, we'll all get mono now." Ellie sipped her coffee then. She looked at her watch. It was just a bit after midnight. She was thankful for that. Nobody had rang her yet from home.

"He even kissed you?" Cory looked concerned then.

"Yes, he tried to go to the bathroom with me." She informed him.

"He's a wild and crazy guy." Cory nodded.

"Don't tell us you're in love with him," Eric finally looked at Cory and spoke to him as if maybe their little war with each other was finally over.

"No." Cory laughed it off then. "Come on, you two." He looked at Ellie then Eric. "You don't think-"

"He needs therapy," Eric told him.

"Possibly." Ellie agreed as she put a bit more cream in her coffee while she stared at the slice of chocolate pie she'd gotten.

"Come on, doesn't everyone need a little of that from time to time." Cory stared at them as if they'd made too much out of Dylan.

"OK, I think Roger would make a much better boyfriend, even if he is running about like Mr. Mystery Bear. I think Dylan is just weird." Ellie said her peace on the matter.

"Roger? You and Roger?" Eric shook his head with a grimace. "I don't know which would be worse."

"What are you saying I can't-"

"You could do so much better," Ellie said. "I think you are one of those kind of people who find it rewarding to save someone. You go in, rescue. Then what?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Cory got back up then. "I better check on Dylan. He's still in the restroom."

"I need to really pee, but I'm not going if Dylan's in there." Eric then told Ellie.

"Do you think we should go to Homecoming?" Ellie asked.

"What do you mean? We have tickets. We're going." He took a sip of coffee then.

"But you're mad at me?"

"I am not," Eric said. "I'm mad at myself." He sighed. "I'm ready for a perfectly boring Homecoming, aren't you?"

Ellie smiled. Eric squeezed her hand more.


  1. A shoving match with Dylan. Whoa, sounds... funny? ^^ He was kissing everyone, LOL ^^ well, you have to do that sometimes. Wow, I guess my parents already would've called 184846 times if I was in Ellie's place.
    Glad that the little war between Eric and Cory seems over.
    I'm interested in Dylan - does he really need therapy? He is certainly weird.

    But those parties you've been to and your friends sound really cool. I like having eccentric/extraordinary friends so much better than having boring friends ^^ (of course, none of my friends are boring, because if they were they wouldn't be my friends)

  2. Hi there-Alls well that ends well, thankfully!!

  3. I really like your blog! Your posts are really well written :-).

  4. ha thats interesting i just love the dialogue in this post sounds like you could really be there.

  5. Oh, I hope Eric is all right.

  6. yes! i finally finished reading 2 months worth of chapters! Very well done! Love all the twists and turns or Ellie's life. I hope Eric doesn't get drunk again! keep it up!
    XOXO Buh-Laire :)

  7. oh my goodness, what will ellie and eric get themselves into next? hahahahah! I cannot believe the turn this story has taken! interesting would be an understatement!

    very well done, and the dialogue is spectacular!!!! I love it all!

  8. so eric and cory are ok now? lol. but i hope eric's ok. seems he's not. o_O
