Saturday, September 27, 2008

a squeeze and a cuddle

Naturally, Dylan was there waiting for Ellie when she opened the bathroom door.

"Where's Eric?" She didn't want another kiss from him and as it was she felt a bit naked just with her sweater on. Suddenly, she felt under-dressed. Unlike at the game, she knew she'd put on way too many clothes. She thought she'd suffocate then. And why had she worn that silly cap? She really wasn't dwelling on that now. She needed to find Eric.

"I dunno." Dylan shrugged. She nudged him away, but he was right behind her going down the stairs, rubbing up against her. Ellie scowled at the idea that he might want something more.

She looked around the livingroom. None of the faces looked familiar. Not even Cory.

"Where's Cory?"


All this trouble just to go to the restroom, she thought now as she wondered about back through the kitchen with Dylan on her tail then back to where she started in the livingroom. She did this endless times. She was about to think they'd left her here alone with Dylan which frightened her more. It made her cringe. Also it didn't help she'd left her hand bag in the car where her cell phone was tucked away.

"What are you doing!" Dylan was touching her butt. She turned then in disgust, pushing Dylan off her.


"You know what!" She pressed her hand hard against his chest, and he caught her hand as if it were just a playful gesture, smiled at her then kissed her hand.

"Is anything the matter?" Eric whispered in her ear. She turned to see him with a plastic cup of foamy beer.

"Dylan is being-" Ellie didn't want to finish the sentence she pulled her hand out of his fingers. "Can we go now?" She hugged herself then.

"Well, they do have a keg." Eric shrugged as if now he planned to ignore her and drink his beer.

"What are you doing?" She winced. This was not supposed to be happening.

"What am I doing? What are you doing, playing around with Dylan like that." He drank at his beer then while Dylan went up the stairs.

"I'm not playing around." She looked at him wide eyed.

"I think you are." He smirked. He drank up then and was going back for another.

"What?" She followed him into the kitchen. There was some sort of knife game going on of some kind. Ellie wasn't certain, but then maybe they were drunk and trying to do a scene from Starwars. It sounded like it, anyway. She really didn't want to stick around to witness a stabbing.

He got her a beer too.

"Do you know how annoying it is being with Cory for five minutes," he told her.

She grimaced at the taste of the bitter beer. Really, a nice cold Pepsi would just as well been better.

"I am so sorry that I had to pee!" She sarcastically pointed out. "You said to stay close. Why didn't you come with me to the bathroom?"

"I definitely would have."

"I think you should pour that out before you get a DUI or something." Ellie frowned watching him drink.

"I will not." He kept drinking.

"What is wrong with you?" This was not going well and his finger kept toying with the top button of her sweater. He smiled. She grabbed his finger and almost bit it. He just smiled more.

"You were the one who wanted to come to this stupid party." He gasped with a laugh.

"Well, I didn't think it would be like this." She had to get him out of the kitchen. They walked toward the livingroom.

"What, were they suppose to have? A poetry slam going? Or perhaps charades." He grinned.

"You're getting drunk, aren't you?" Ellie was already past annoyed.

"No. I can drink lots, you know. A LOT." He informed her.

"Don't tell me your middle name is alcohol." Ellie rolled her eyes thinking they could find a seat on a couch somewhere, but those seemed to be taken.

"I am just fine." He informed her.

"I don't know if I believe you." She finally found them a seat on the corner of the big couch. Luckily, Dylan wasn't around. "I'm sorry I asked to come."

"You think I'm boring," Eric said, drinking at his beer.

"I do not." Ellie huffed still holding his hand, hoping he'd get off this negative kick.

"Are you sure?"

She kissed him, but she really hated the taste of beer. He spilled the rest of his beer on her while they French kissed. It was a sacrifice she was willing to make about the sweater.

"Well, hullo," Dylan announced suddenly. Ellie looked up and couldn't believe her eyes.

"Jesus!" Eric's eyes widen. "What the-"

Dylan squeezed between them. He was wearing a dress now. Even lipstick. He put his arm around Ellie then Eric.

"I think this calls for a cuddle," Dylan said.


  1. About "who needs a party": I was thinking "shit, shit, shit" all thru reading that chapter. Now I'll read your last chapter. I really can't wait to see what happens.
    Gosh, Dylan. I know he's drunk, but I'd be really scared of him in Ellie's place.
    What? Eric didn't want to go to the party in the first place! And Dylan was molesting Ellie, Ellie didn't "play around" with him! I think Eric's getting drunk too! (LOL I just wrote that sentence before I read Ellie saying "You're getting drunk too, aren't you?")

  2. Wow! I havent read Ellie in forever! Its so sad, isnt it?! Ive been so busy with school. I finally updated MY story on my Writer's Blog and i'm gonna try 2 read all the chapters that i missed! keep writing!
    XOXO Buh-Laire :)

  3. did that really just happen? Dylan and Eric are acting crazy.

  4. jeez! Dylans even more messed up than i thought! Eric MUST be drunk. poor Ellie. I would be scared so badly right now if I were her! =/



    And...I liked it!

    Very Well written!



  6. Oh..I forgot
    Very funny too.You were great at the fun factor here!


  7. thnx so much 4 the comments! so glad i didn't lose all my readers :) Ur so great! I only have to read all the September chapters now, which i will tomorrow cuz i have to go write on MY story! i hope to post another chapter tomorrow. Great work :)
    XOXO Buh-Laire :)

  8. this is soo....michael pitt! wtf and omg!

    hahahahahahahahahahahah! lol

    I love this chapter. how crazy! hahahaha! awesome!

  9. everyone has gone crazy. i think. lol.
