Wednesday, November 5, 2008

letting go

That night, Kyle got in a moshing moment with Amanda. That was about as close as he got to her. He really hadn't expected it. She'd been mad about the whole situation of Derrick and Rory taking off like birds of a feather. But Kyle couldn't hear her over the loud noise. After while she first leaned into him because he guessed somebody shoved into her. He pushed back with his back. Both started with their hands in their pockets. Then it felt more like a rollercoaster ride with everyone else getting into the motion. Kyle looked over and saw the fellow that Ellie and Eric were with. He was such a punk, all full of fits and angst, pushing them all about. He noticed the horror on Eric's face. He thought for sure he was going to deck the guy, but instead he shielded Ellie away from what might come. Then Kyle got a real hand shove from Amanda who'd had grabbed him and pushed him away so he shoved right back. Really, it was all quite exhillarting. He thought he saw her smiling, but he wasn't sure. She was still pretty mad at him over Rory taking up with Derrick. All smoochies.

Naturally, she'd driven him home in silence. They had to take Rory home too. Kyle was pretty sure she'd never speak to him again. Anyway, it was good to have this time alone so he could get high with out any expectations. He took a walk into the night and found his stash in the bricked in wall at the library.

He'd have to face facts, you just couldn't make people happy most of the time, and he'd just have to live with that.

"Who were you with at the show?" Eric wanted to know a few days later at school.

"Nobody," Kyle just said. He probably wouldn't hear from Derrick, again. No plans to call the dude. The band was just an after thought.

"You two were going at it." Eric had noticed.

"Yeah, she hates me." Kyle just shrugged forgetting his backpack after school.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing." Kyle sighed. "I just hooked her little brother up with one of Kelsy's friends. If I'd known how Amanda would be that way, hell I could have just as easily had some quality time with Rory. Its just Rory's a little clingy."

"You don't like clingy?" Eric smiled.

"Not so much, lately," Kyle smirked.

"You might be changing." Eric told him as he was about to walk away.

"And things are just tight is it, you and Ellie?"

"Yeah, we're good." Eric stared at Kyle as if he better give him any information he wasn't aware of.

"I know." Kyle just nodded. Everybody seemed to have someone, but him.


  1. Poor Kyle, hopefully things will start to pick up for him soon :-)

  2. You know, in the past, Eric and Ellie were the principal characters, and now it's so interesting to see what Kyle really thinks of them and to have a peek into Kyle's life for once! Because in his life, I don't know if Ellie and Eric are much more than side characters.
    Amanda seems to be pretty shy. But I don't think she dislikes Kyle. I don't think she'll hate him forever because he got Derrick hooked up with Rory.
    And I get why Kyle isn't keen on clingy Rory.
    Poor Kyle - everyone but him does seem to have someone :-(

  3. but amanda WILL contact him.

  4. This point of view made me sad! I definitely enjoy this different form of writing...keep going :)

  5. thanks so much keep up the good work yourself :)

  6. now i see Kyle as a pessimist. o_O
