Friday, February 13, 2009

a new window

Eric didn't want to believe it, but he was rather enamoured with Olivia's words stretched across one page to the next. He'd never seen such clarity come to him quite true. And it hurt that he couldn't tell her he thought it was absolutely amazing.

He'd never smiled so much, eating it up til the very end. She'd put her e-mail address on a post-it in the back of the book. It was like opening up a new window, only he wasn't sure what to tell her. He would have to think at the blank screen, but he didn't want to wait too long.

Subject: THANK YOU

That was very kind of you to lend me your poems to read. They're really wonderful. Quite descriptive and unique. And I feel very privileged that you would show them to me.

Thanks Again,


Eric hoped that was enough. It didn't feel sufficient, somehow. Perhaps he should write back and ask her to a movie or something. No, no, he didn't want to give her the wrong idea. It was best just to correspond. Yes, a correspondence. There was something nostalgic about it. Seriously, he couldn't wait to hear back from her. He longed to communicate with someone. Someone like Olivia.


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  3. talk about mixed feelings (sorry, that was a major cheese comment). the e-mail is too... formal.

  4. I really think Eric should ask Olivia out,or something. He's right. His e-mail is very sweet, but somehow I have the feeling that something is missing too. But he wrote "lend me your poems", so that means that she will get them back sometime and that means that they'll meet again! Dunno if I'm interpreting too much into this, though^^
    That was really sweet of Olivia to put her email address in the back. I bet Eric is grateful that she didn't put her phone number - calling and talking is always more difficult than writing, especially emails.

  5. Eric..he's so cordial when he wants to be. ..have to wonder..what door he's really opening up here.

  6. i too have missed your glad i am back :)!!!

  7. aw..this could really turn into something else...hmmmmm...
