Wednesday, February 25, 2009

staying put

Amanda wasn't sure she heard Kyle's mother correctly.

"Stay over? Tonight?" She just knew it had to be a trick question, but Derrick was over at their cousins, and she was sure Dan was happy to have the house to himself with Dylan. "Sure." Only, Ellie wasn't around. And Kyle had to do some last minute thing at the school even if it was closed.
It was just the two of them.

Amanda felt under the gun, so to speak. Just what did Kyle's mother want from her.

"I've got the guestroom made up. You can stay there." His mother said.

"OK." Amanda smiled as if she couldn't exactly be mad about it, now could she.

"The snow is coming down pretty hard. You don't need to be out in this alone," she said to Amanda then she looked at her stomach, which was a slight bulge. Nothing of the magnitude of that picture Amanda had seen recently on the news of that woman who had had the eight kids. "How are you feeling?"

"Not so bad." Amanda nodded which was true. "You know, small snacks, no major meals and I'm OK. Really."

"Good, you're figuring that out," Kyle's Mom smiled. "I couldn't get enough Sonic mustard burgers when I was pregnant with Kyle's brother, Sam."

"Oh." Amanda had had to listen to several pregnant stories from her Aunts. Usually, they were about deliveries, or when their water broke. It uselessly sent the fear of God in her and she'd start praying on the hour that nothing horrible happened.

Just then someone was coming in from the kitchen door. Amanda was so hoping it was Kyle or even Ellie, but it was neither.

"Speak of the devil," Kyle's mother said. "What are you doing here, Sam?"

"I gotta virus on my computer, and I just wanted to check my bank account." He shrugged, and looked over at Amanda.

"You met Kyle's girlfriend, didn't you?"

Amanda just looked at him as if he were a celebrity of some kind. Jock. No less. His sandy hair was so whispy, and he looked so amazingly fit. Amanda froze. Lord knows, it was painful to think he had to say something to her. She didn't want him too. She'd rather leave the room. Her emotions ran high these days. She could see herself balling her eyes out for no reason.

"I don't think so." Sam looked at her. Amanda hesitated to shake his hand. It was a firm grip too. He was nothing like Kyle, at all. Really, they couldn't have the same father, could they? He was so immaculate.

Amanda quietly excused herself. She felt like laying down. Maybe take a nap in the guestroom. She could read a book, listen to her mp3 player. Something. Anything but have to be with someone so unusually perfect. He was perfect, wasn't he?

Of course, she couldn't listen to her Lady Gaga which always did the trick to make her feel better. Batteries were low. She'd need to charge it up at someones computer. She definitely didn't want to do that.

So she laid on her side and did her best not think about anything much. But then Doyle came to mind. God, why Doyle? He was in choir with her. And he'd been practicing with her on the songs they needed to harmonize more. He'd been all attentive about, more so than usual, she didn't think he even liked choir. But there he was for every rehearsal. Looking at her as if she'd better take the lead. Why did he care?

Just then reality sat back in. Kyle's mother was talking to Sam. She'd been crying, and Sam was consoling her. Amanda's eyes water instantly. It was all her fault. Everything was her fault. Wasn't it?

Amanda laid back down and hugged the pillow next to her. Would it always be bad?


  1. About "so natural": Oh, poor Olivia... But I hope that Eric won't run the risk of having two girlfriends.

    Haha, I wouldn't discuss sex with Cory with my dad if I was Roger. Well, he can tell his dad that he's gay, but he doesn't need to know all the details, does he? Those things like the one with Roxie are those half-lies. You don't actually tell lies, but you don't do anything to dement the gossip...

    Oh no! I'd feel pretty awkward being alone with my boyfriend's mum.. But I don't think Joan means anything bad by that.
    Oh ya! The woman who had eight kids, how big her stomach was, it was sick! Pregnant stories give me the creeps too... But every time I see a woman with a kid on the street, I think "Hey, she survived this too, so it can't be THAT bad-"
    Poor Amanda, I hope she feels better soon.

  2. I think her aunts wanted to scare her! lol Probably not, but still. =]

    Thanks^^ And is what a bit uninvited? o.o

  3. I feel sorry for Amanda. She's starting to remind me of a certain friend of mine . . . maybe she's smarter than my friend. Not sure yet.

  4. Hope things look up for Amanda.

  5. Oh, Amanda. It would be hard.
