Wednesday, February 11, 2009

tuxedo pants

Ellie loved the tuxedo pants, especially, the way they fit on Elliot.

"That was your best find," she told him after they got back to his place.

"But when am I ever going to wear tuxedo pants?" He asked.

"I don't know, Valentines day." She shrugged.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Nothing." She sighed. Why had she said that? "Well, you can wear them anytime."

"Back up there a minute, you said Valentines day?"

"There's not even a Valentines dance," Ellie wasn't sure how to get out of this gracefully. "Its a horrible holiday anyway, how can you even live up to something so-so-"

"What did you do last year?" Elliot looked at her then.

"Heart shaped pizza, my sister and I made. It was really lame. I watched Ten things I hate about you." That seemed like a million years ago now. Why couldn't she go back to being that girl? When the smallest things were just a treat. "So see I'm not missing a thing." She grinned.

"We should got out for sushi," Elliot said.

"I don't even like fish," she winced.

"You've never had sushi, have you?" He grinned.

"No." Now he was going to think she was deprived for sure.

"Come on, I'll wear the pants." He even got out the shirt and jacket from his closet.

"Where did you get that?"

"Left over from my sister's wedding. I never liked the pants. Anyway, its sort of what's left of her marriage, I guess. She's got divorced last month." He told her.

"Well, I guess it would be wrong to leave them hanging in the closet with nothing to do," Ellie then said.


  1. Maybe you saw it on my friend Tabbi's blog, but she posted about the girl that is "Ellie". I immediately recognized her. The girl whose photo you use, that is :)
    Tuxedo pants... Wow sounds cool!
    Poor Ellie, how she ended up being all flustered about Valentines Day ^^ Sort of thing that could happen to me.
    I always get all nostalgic when I think of what I was doing a year ago too. Guess I'll be boyfriend-less for yet another Valentine's day.
    And ohhh - a DATE! YAY!

  2. Sounds like a fun Valentines day.

  3. Tuxedo pants and sushi. Sounds like a song title or something. LOL.

  4. that's cool how they are so comfortable around each other. Also I wanted to let you know I deleted my blog that used to be called Christmas with Kennedy. I dont even know if you would care about that but anyway I just wasnt feeling the story anymore. Every post was getting harder to write but then I got inspired for another story that is way easier to write for me. I dont know if you;ll like it or if it's even your type but here's the link:

  5. oh..this could be a romantic Valentines day..uhuh.
