Sunday, November 29, 2009

clicking in to place

Heath had his student teaching to get back to. Just a few more days and it would be over. It had gone so fast, but somehow, he'd come through it with flying colors. Still he was rather aloof with the students.

Naturally, all he heard from his dad while they were there was that he needed to get his applications out there for teaching.

"But, it probably won't be until summer that they higher, you know." He tried not to stress about it. Yet, his dad wanted him to get on the ball with teaching.

"The more you're out there the better chances of finding what you want." He'd said, but Heath wasn't sure if his dad knew what he was talking about. After all, he wasn't a teacher. Heath was hoping for subbing. He could do that. He could still live with Nick and sub at schools near him, but he still didn't have a car of his own.

Then there was that other problem. Nick being outed by his ex.

"How did she do it, again?" He winced one more time after listening to Nick go on about it for quite awhile when they got back home even if Nick had texted him right away when he found out.

"In the grocery store." Nick was mad. "Can you imagine that? Who else knows?" He shook his head. "I can't believe she'd do that to me. Tell my mother that I didn't like girls, anymore. And she goes on about how you're my boyfriend."

"She wasn't really mean about it, was she?" Heath didn't think of Kelsey that angry. She did have Kyle.

"I don't know." He shrugged.

"Well, at least you didn't have to say, 'guess what..I'm gay.' " That had to count for something. It was so cliche, he thought.

"I guess." But Heath could see the stress on Nick's face.

"Look, they know we're together. They aren't that pissed." Heath nodded.

"I know. She said she had a lot of time to think about it. She seriously likes you better than anyone Rex has brought home. She says you're mature enough, but not, you know, old."

Heath smiled at that.

"She says she just wants me to be happy, and she thinks you make me happy." Nick smiled taking Heath's hand and intertwining his fingers with his. They kissed.

Really, it felt as if Christmas had came early this year. He couldn't think of a better way to start the holidays, being with Nick. Now if he could only be supportive, finacially. He really wanted a teaching job.


  1. So many sides to a relationship. Emotional, physical..finacially too.

  2. I'm glad things are looking up for Heath...& Nick, too.

  3. hmm I've never read 100 years of Solitude! My good friend said I should though. ( that's the book he chose to be stuck in too)


  4. I'm so happy thing shave worked out for heath and Nick! Also that Eric seems to be warming up to the idea of being a dad! I hope all goes well with that.

    How was your thanksgiving?! Going back to school was very rough, and it's so yucky outside all i want to do is curl up with some hot cocoa and read a good book!

