Monday, September 26, 2011

tried and true

Jules started to pace after his little run in with Josie. Sure, she looked great tonight in her cuttoff jeans over her fishnet tights and chucky platforms. And a part of him wished he could have been at this silly little concert with her. Yeah, silly, he had to keep in mind. He wiped a tear from under his eye.

Rattling a person wasn't as easy as it looked. He had to keep her guessing. He couldn't dare let her get control of the situation. God knows, what she might decide to do. The fear was swimming around his head. What if she had him deported? What if she really did turn this around and make crap up about him sexually assaulting her or something?

He felt a little light headed about it now. Possibly ill. Just why couldn't they keep their distance? He lit up another cigarette and did his best not to think the worst. She wasn't that miserable. She had a whole posse looking out for her, now didn't she? He thought of Ian and Derrick and the boyfriend who looked the gentle type. He probably take instructions well.

Still, it would have been some splendid fun if it went on between the two of them. So easily, and a part of  him liked to believe he could have been true to Josie. Maybe he felt he didn't deserve something like that, or maybe it was the fact he might be keeping her from something really extraordinary. He knew he wasn't exactly great when it came to that kind of greatness, like a sweet job, the potential of a good life.

Jules began to cough. The tears came back. The cigarette did nothing for his state of mind. He heard the muffled noise coming from the concert, but this was as close as he wanted to be.