Wednesday, March 14, 2012

more than a bit part

Milo wasn't sure what Asa was really up too. They'd gone out for lunch more than once. And when he got back from his librian workshop in Cleveland, Asa wanted Milo to go to this thing, that might as well have been a grieving group session. Only, Asa didn't call it that.

"That's what it is." Milo looked at him as if he didn't need this.

"Well..." Asa looked as if he couldn't speak of it, either. "I didn't want to go alone. I've been putting it off. But, but I know I need this." That's when he told him about Amanda.

Milo took it all in. He guessed he got what this was about. "I just..just thought you felt sorry for me. That's all." Milo said after they'd set around as if they were at an AA's meeting.

They were at their favorite diner, having coffee and pie.

"No, you've got to be the bravest person, I know." Asa smiled.

"Yeah, right." Milo didn't believe that. He was afraid Asa was going to talk about something he didn't want to talk about. The past.

"Look, you know there's this opening, at the library, and I've talked to the director about it. I want you to take it. Its just a clerk position. Part time." Asa told him. "But I'm pretty sure I can get you 30 hours a week. Its a start."

Milo stared at him petrified.

"You want me?" Milo finally asked.

"Absolutely. We really think you could make a difference..and..and.." Milo knew Asa didn't want to mention the wheel chair would be a plus. "Its just, if we have somebody working their with a handicap, I'm sure we could make sure everything is up to code."

"I see." Milo still didn't like the idea. Although, he knew his sister would. She was afraid he'd never work, again. "OK. Sure. I'll try." That was the best he could do.


  1. I'm glad Milo is getting a chance at this.

  2. At least he's going to give it a shot! :)

  3. Wooo, this is awesome. Aimee

  4. Woot Woot for Milo! I like this interaction with Asa, they are awesome.

  5. love the header picture awesome blog dear what abt following each other?
