Tuesday, October 15, 2013

not quite the hunger games

Not quite the Hunger Games

Zac had to accept the fact that maybe Luna was the one. After all, Spencer did leave him on his own at the dance after she met Cody.

"Aw, I think its cute." Luna had said that night. Zac shrugged with a smile. He guessed it worked its self out, after all. His accidental date which he ended up taking home along with Cody. Luckily, Luna came along for the ride.

Afterwards, they had a long talk over pie at the diner. She talked a little about Van, her old boyfriend in college now who just so happened to be Cody's big brother, but that was the extent of it. She really hadn't missed Van.

"I just haven't really tried." She told him about the dating game. Besides, she was tired of games and trying to figure out the whole boy code versus the girl code.

"But, Syreeta really looks happy." Luna smiled.

Zac nodded quietly. He hated it, wishing there was a way he could embrace her and Sawyer's happiness.

"I know its my fault. I didn't really appreciate the time I did have with Syreeta, but I'm glad she's happy, you know." He then told her how he was fed up with games too. He told her about the 3 non-blondes (He suspected they really weren't blonde, after all). "That was just crazy." He wouldn't dare tell her the particulars. "What was I thinking? They all lived in the same apartment."

Definitely, it had been a close call.

"Maybe I'm done with college girls." He shrugged with a little smile.

Luna bit her bottom lip to keep from smiling too much. Especially when he held her hand. Honestly, he really hadn't let himself feel this close to anyone in a long time. And it was just a simple gesture. He wasn't trying to see how fast he could actually have sex with someone. It was just being here in the quiet with Luna.


  1. So glad they are together.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog ladies! :)
    This was very nicely written, good job!


  3. I love the images of Fall here - thank you for popping by my blog again! xo
