Wednesday, March 14, 2018

It could be gold

it could be gold

Kramer didn't know if Dara would accept his friends.

"It's just." How could he talk about Natalie? He kept putting off wanting to do dinner at Joon and Natalie's, but Natalie just reminded him to come over with Dara tonight with a text.

"You used to date her." This Dara knew. She was good to him, letting him live at her place, rent free. All he could think to do was clean the kitchen up for her.

"She..she's more like a sister to me." Still, he knew he'd done Natalie wrong, cheating on her. "Somehow, we're still friends."

 He'd told Dara early on that nothing physical had ever happened to him with Natalie.

"She..she wants to meet you." Kramer smiled. Could it be that simple? "Maybe, maybe she just wants to rub it in, that she's with Joon now. And she has an apartment with him."

"Maybe, we should have dinner with them, here." Dara smiled as she wrapped her arms around his lanky body from behind, while he was scrubbing on a pan in the sink.

"Sure." He told her they still needed to go there first.

"I don't think Joon nor Natalie know I'm in a serious relationship," Kramer said, feeling it might be impossible to keep up this domestic moment. Especially, a part of him really wanted Dara badly.

Yes, she was after all a goddess who needed to be taken care of in the bedroom.

Kramer had to admit he was glad Joon was with Natalie. Maybe they deserved each other.

Kramer turned to kiss Dara. He knew he deserved to be happy, too.

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