Monday, April 23, 2018

Ivy & Will

Ivy was certain everyone was having more fun than she was.

"Well, its all in your head." Will quickly informed her when she brought it up. Naturally,  his dad had great fun taking pictures of them at his house. They'd gone through the same thing at Ivy's house.

He told her she was missing the point. It was prom. They were supposed to be with friends.

All she could think about was finding a motel room, afterward.

"You know, I don't want it to be that way." She knew this, but she couldn't help but try to take their relationship to the next level.

But as soon as they got to Prom, Will was ready to dance the night away. He actually took pictures on his smartphone of just about anyone, but her. He even posed with some of the guys he hardly knew.

Later, they went with Ollie and his girlfriend along with Gabby and Ste to the old diner to have coffee and pancakes. He even invited Simon and his date.

Ivy didn't know what was going on.

"We aren't leaving for college, already." She wanted to be in a whisper fight with him, but there were so many people with them, cozied up at the round booth in the back.

"You know, it'll never be quite like this again." He smiled at her. "We have to make the most of these last high school days."

While she was thinking something possibly X-rated in her head, with him, he was acting as if he might be going to war and needed this time with all his buddies.

He took her hand. She guessed she would have to trust him. If only she could be more like him. Still, he was a mystery to her.

Maybe, he secretly wanted to be a pastor or a youth minister. What if he told her he was going to be a priest?

Ivy did her best to wince a smile. She looked around at the group. Ivy guessed it wasn't too late to be the friend she should be.

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