Friday, June 1, 2018

its now or never

This was not how it was supposed to be. Ivy did her best not to be in a pout, but it felt like the most miserable time of her life.

What she'd wanted was for Will to ditch the Adventureland trip with her and they could go where ever. Of course, he didn't like the idea. He was being a stickler for by the book.

"But, we graduated high school?" She wanted to go away with him. Even so, she believed nothing would have happened. She wanted to tell someone, anyone perhaps that something was wrong with Will.

He was so chummy with Evan and his boyfriend Sawyer on the drive to the amusement park. It left a bad taste in her mouth, perhaps. Was she wrong, not wanting to take the next step in their relationship?

"Oh, its only the beginning," Valentina had smiled that evening when they were all turning in. She'd given Ollie a good night kiss on the cheek and he seemed happy as a little puppy. It made her bitter, wondering how she and Ollie would be if they'd been a real couple. Would she have made him miserable, too?

"What is that suppose to mean?" She asked Valentina while she was brushing her teeth.

Valentina looked at her blankly. After all, she looked as if she could fall asleep with her eyes open.

"Maybe, you should sleep with me, tonight." Gabby reminded her that were two beds. One was bigger than the other and Valentina could have the small one to herself.

Ivy gave her the eye as if nothing would make her happy.

"You're gonna go too far," Gabby warned her. "You'll fall in hate with him."

Ivy's frown was small, but she knew this feeling about Will made her bitter about everything. She couldn't sleep. She couldn't eat. She was wide awake in the dark, doing her best to stay calm.

"Break up with him," Gabby's words calm, yet Ivy felt so sad. Honestly, she didn't want to give up on him. From the start, she felt he was hers and now it felt as if they'd hit a brick wall.

Ivy turned away from Gabby. She pushed her face deep into the fluffy pillow and cried herself to sleep.

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