Saturday, October 20, 2018

the things you do for love

There was a certain sadness Ollie had to contend with these days. He knew Valentina hated the idea of Jools actually dating someone. However, they'd survived Homecoming. After all, Jools lived at Valentina's house. She saw him every day, but evidently, it wasn't the same.

They'd been like soulmates with all her adventures in crafting. Why in the world would a boy enjoy such boring stuff was beyond Ollie. True, he could admire her handiwork, but no way could he spend an afternoon sorting buttons and going to places for yarn and material.

Honestly, Ollie wasn't sure how he could make this better.

"We'll just have to do more things with them." He shrugged. After all, he had a car now. Jools didn't drive, but his girlfriend did. "I mean, we can't do it, all the time." Occasionally, they could double date, or so he'd give it a shot. Ollie wanted to see Valentina happy again.

"But, try to like her, will you?" He winced, thinking she loved everybody. Why not Joley?

Ollie nudged a grin, hoping to make Valentina laugh, but she hardly smiled.

"Everything, will be OK." Of course, he wanted to shake some sense into her. Wasn't he the one she longed for? He took her hand, and talked of a hayride at the Pumpkin patch. Didn't she say she wanted to go to the Rocky Horror Picture Show in costume and sing and dance with the musical movie happening at midnight on Halloween?

He would do his best to make time for her, even if it meant losing sleep. At least, he hadn't gotten sick yet. He had no time for getting under the weather.

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