Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Fat Tuesday

Robby was unfamiliar with the term Lent. Here Valentina was setting out more baked goods at the bakery where she worked.

"But, you're from Texas?" Valentina gave him a funny look. Didn't he know this Catholic tradition? A time for reflection by giving up something for a few weeks. But first, there was time to eat up before it started.

"It was more of a cowtown, where I lived. You know, BBQ places and wide-open spaces," he shrugged.

"Well, it will be quiet around here," Val told him. "Fewer coffee drinkers who are giving up sweets." She said she'd never been part of Lent.

"You mean, you wouldn't give up crocheting for a couple of weeks?" Robby smirked.

"I need my crocheting, it's therapy," Val informed him.

"Yeah, right, and you fuss if you have too many stitches," he told her.

"Would you give up anything?" She asked.

"I don't think I need too." He shrugged. "I don't think I drink that many sugary drinks."

"You do too," she told him there was too much caffeine in them.

He winced her a look that she was making too much of a big deal. This was no time to make a bet. Everything was fine. He wished he hadn't even brought up Lent.

"Maybe I'll take you to Ash Wednesday tomorrow," Val gave him the eye. After all, she always kept him in line.

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