Friday, June 24, 2022

I want to talk about it

 Brandon wasn't sure how to talk to Yuki about the uninvite, but he could see she wanted to know his reasons as it was coming near the end of shift at Soap City. "It was just some friends that..that I needed to make dinner for. I owed them. Maybe..maybe next time we..we can all get together." He shrugged as if he knew that was the worst explanation to the girl he went to high school with who had been a far better friend to him, than anyone.

"No problem," she nodded back as she was cleaning up where people had made soap bombs and other creations. 

"I..I didn't want to have too many over," he promised her he'd bring her dinner if she liked. She only smiled. 

"I eat leftovers you know," Yuki then said.

"No, I would cook you something. What sounds good to you?" Brandon smiled back, wishing he could talk to her about Declan. Not that anything bad had happened. There wasn't even alcohol at home, but still, it was on his mind. Should he make some rules?

"Are you sure there isn't something else you want to tell me?" She gave him the eye then as if she knew how he was. He hated confrontation until it had to happen and then he could let loose as if he was a superhero of some kind, out for justice.

"Maybe?" He wanted to bite his bottom lip to keep himself from saying it. "I..I'm afraid Declan might, you know start drinking again."

"Like what?" She really was oblivious, he thought then.

"You know, how he gets when Remi is around. If she starts..then, you know..he starts."

" that's why you aren't asking us over? It's Remi's fault." She tilted her head and looked at him seriously.

"No," Brandon pulled a sad face. "It's not that. I dunno. Exactly. I..I just know, he..he's gone to AA."

"So?" She festered a frown as if she didn't know where this was going. After all, they were the only two left in the establishment. Brandon pressed his lips tight, unsure Yuki would even listen to him.

"My dad was an alcoholic," he then confided. "It's..its not that..that he ever hurt me. He just, you know, wasn't there, for anything. Really." It was painful to say. "My mom got sick and well, I guess that was part of it. After she passed, it was like he gave up and my sister and I couldn't do anything, really with him. He could sit outside. His favorite spot on the patio and just drink..what felt like forever." Honestly, he really felt he'd let his dad down, all those years ago. But really, he could only do so much.

"That's not going to happen to Declan," Yuki told him. "He's fine. You make him happy."

"But..but.." Brandon shook his head. What she said didn't mean it was gold.


  1. poor Brandon... It must be so hard to have this alcoholic problem once again with Declan

  2. You've got great insight into human nature, Ellie! Addictions such as alcoholism cause great harm to individuals and to families. Brandon's fears are real. His father was an alcoolic, so he knows ..

    1. Thanks so much for your comment 🌈💙❤️🌈

  3. A sad but true story what alcohol can do to people. I had a friend who died in the 80s from drinking. We tried to help but he never wanted to hear it. Very sad.

  4. Hmm this is tough. Yuki seems like a good egg. I hope they continue to talk...

  5. Alcohol always brings disaster! What a pity.

  6. Brandon in a bad spot...but on the other hand you really can't help people with not drinking. They have to do it themselves. Often when people pussy foot around it makes matters worse. Good story line here, with so many possibilities. Have fun as you continue with your story.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment 🌈❤️🌈❤️💙🌈

  7. Hello!! So good!! Thanks for sharing it with us.


  8. Muito triste ter um alcoólatra na família.
    Um problema que a afeta a todos!

    Beijos! 😘

  9. Uy que tierno que es Declan espero que se oido. Te mando un beso.

  10. I love your characters, they are so realistic!!!
    Thanks for sharing ♥

  11. Menudo giro!! Esta genial.

  12. Brandon's heart-to-heart with Yuki really took a turn -- but I'm glad it did. Brandon needs someone to talk to about his fears for Declan, especially given his tendency to bottle things up. You describe this part of his personality so creatively, ending with a twist: "He hated confrontation until it had to happen and then he could let loose as if he was a superhero of some kind, out for justice." I was surprised to learn that Brandon's father was also an alcoholic. I agree with the other commenters that this must make loving Declan even more difficult for him. He knows what could be ahead. I hope that Declan -- and Brandon -- make it.

    Thanks so much for including my peace sign charm in your collage! It looks good under Yuki. :)

    Also, that's interesting about your friend beginning books "in the middle . . . then the end and finally the beginning." I don't think I'd be able to do that. And when you said you sometimes read a different book in every room it reminded me of a Nora Roberts character of all things -- she did that too and was also a librarian. That one I can get behind! As we both said, sometimes you just need a book break. :)
