Tuesday, April 23, 2024

where do we go from here


It was a surprise to see Riley. Brandon hadn't expected it. Usually, she called to let him know she was in town.

"What's up?" He looked at her blankly. He held Heidi his niece who he was the guardian of on his hip even if he knew she was far too big to be carried. She was munching on an animal cracker. 

Of course, Riley was upset. She'd come from Yuki and Em's.

"Where's Melissa?" Brandon didn't understand with a wince. He let Riley into the apartment and told Declan to put the kettle on. Perhaps some herbal tea would help but with that distraught look on her face, he doubted it.

"At her mother's." 

Riley shrugged and took a seat on the couch. She was eager to give Heidi a little something. A Squishmellow that Heidi would never say No to. 

"But..but don't you guys do everything together?" Brandon sat down across from her and Declan came to join them.

"We had a fight."

"Really?" Brandon looked to Declan to check on the tea. He got up from the arm of the chair where Brandon was sitting and went back to the kitchen. "A real fight?"

"Oh, we argued on the way here," Riley practically crumbled, but at least Heidi gave her something to smile about as she gave the soft toy back to Riley to hug.

"What's going on?" Brandon squinted.

"I told you what would happen," she frowned. "Melissa doesn't want a baby. She hates babies, evidently."

Declan brought the tea then. Of course, there were the brownies. Although, Brandon told Declan to put them away. "I'll make us some lunch."

"She doesn't want me to have a baby," Riley said.

"That's all?" Brandon made it sound it wasn't so horrible. "Maybe?" He shrugged. "She just doesn't want you to go through all the pain."

"Or lose that figure of yours," Declan smiled with a silly grin. Of course, Brandon gave him the eye to go away.

"You have options," he told her. "I know you love kids."

"I used to think that's all I needed, you know, to work with children, but now..I want a family."

"Have you thought about fostering?" Declan said from the kitchen then.

"Just think of how many children need parents, right here in our community," Brandon mentioned. "It doesn't have to be a baby, you know."

"I don't know if she would go for that," Riley squinted. "I might have to do it on my own." She said she was certain she and Melissa were splitting up. 

"It was only a spat," Brandon didn't believe her. "You know you need Melissa as much as she needs you. I just can't see you two saying it's over after one little argument."


  1. El tema de los hijos puede ser complicado en una pareja, por eso lo mejor es hablar abiertamente sobre ello. Besos

  2. I totally understand Riley's POV but this is something Melissa and her need to talk about before taking any drastic step. Great chapter as always, Ellie:)
    Hope you're having a lovely morning so far. Kinda gloomy here in Toronto right now, but at least, it's not cold. YAY:)

  3. Agreed -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

  4. Great and interesting dialogues.


  5. He's right, they need each other

  6. Hello
    In fact this happens in real life, couples don't always see eye to eye when it comes to having children, because sometimes a man's time isn't a woman's time, and it takes dialogue to reach an understanding! Women often don't feel ready to have children, and the best remedy for this is time, you have to give it time and the desire to have children will come naturally! I think so!
    I wish you a happy week!

  7. Interesting storyline going on.

  8. Ojala se arreglen hacen una linda pareja. Te mando un beso y genial fragmento.

  9. Sim, por que não adotar?
    Era uma boa! Beijos!

  10. "lose that figure" :)

    Maybe Melissa will come around...

  11. Some small conflicts serve as an example so that we can avoid future conflicts.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematographic greetings.

  12. hola
    a ver que pasa con esta discusión

  13. this part is interesting to read....

  14. Life has become quite complicated in modern times of today.
    It seems a task for ambitious parents to have children without planning.
    I am happy we lived a simple life in simple time
