Saturday, June 22, 2024

Depeches-toi, depeches-toi et attends


Cade wasn't going to let Rafe rain on his parade. After all, he got a trip to Paris from his grandmother for a graduation present and Mercer was able to go too.

"We just want different things out of life," he finally admitted to himself and Mercer once they got to the Eiffel Tower. Yes, it was a dream come true. He was certain he could live here, but not so much for Mercer.

Granted Cade had to be the watchful eye on his boyfriend who was queasy on the flight, a bit hesitant to even be at all the sites flooded with tourists. After all, Mercer was an indoor kind of guy. 

There was plenty of music to enjoy and sweet treats as well as cuisine that Cade had always wanted to try. Of course, Mercer was missing his ketchup and the only French food he wanted was french fries. No way was Mercer going to try anything with strange names. Actually, Mercer didn't even like fish.

Oh, sometimes, it was like raising a child. But Cade felt that long before arriving in France. One thing for sure Mercer did love the freebies at the hotel. He stashed plenty soaps and shampoos to take home.

"Don't do that," Cade winced as they were packing to go home and sporting their souvenir shirts. 

"Why not?"

"Because," Cade winced as if he'd hate for them to be kept from going back into the country. "Let's just travel light."

They went on train rides and trolleys while on their travels. Saw gardens that he knew his Dad would certainly appreciate. Of course, they kept fit. They walked everywhere.

"Isn't this city fascinating," Cade had said even in a back alley they got lost in on one of their last days there. When he thought he was a natural pro as a traveler. Obviously not.

"Oh, it's old," Mercer shook his head, no. He didn't like the cobbled streets. He saw stress and uneasiness in the youth. It was as if he was certain a bomb might go off. Mercer was much more practical than Cade realized. Maybe Cade was the impractical one.

Of course, it was when they got home that Mercer could really relax. Even if he didn't have his job at the library anymore.

It was good to be back with all their old friends at the all-night diner, eating pie and drinking coffee. They had plenty of Eiffel Tower key chains for everyone. 

"So what's next?" Harley asked. Cade knew he would be moving to the dorm soon.

"I'll be staying at Izzy's for a while," Mercer said. "I'm looking for a job." He'd be going to the University at Lincoln. Hopefully, he could get on at the university library.


  1. The only French food he wanted was french fries, this line cracked me up. :) Have a great weekend.

  2. Kiedyś miałam pojechać do Paryża i nie wyszło
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie

    1. Once I was supposed to go to Paris and it didn't work out
      💕💗💕💗💕Sorry to hear that. Maybe it'll happen one day. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. We always seek to understand what will happen next, without first understanding what is happening today.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematographic greetings.

  4. Concordo com Cade, Paris é fascinante!
    Beijos nas bochechas! (●'◡'●)

  5. Ojala Mercer encuentre trabajo. Te mando un beso

  6. Mercer reminds me of my ex-husband in everything :-)

  7. Love it my friend.

  8. 'Home sweet home'' - even after Paris. Cade and Mercer were practical with bringing Eiffel tower keychains for everyone of their friends.

  9. "We'll always have Paris!" Isn't that a line from the film Casablanca? Those two can say it, I can't! Oh!
    I wish you a lovely Sunday!

  10. Mercer reminds me of my younger son who is too choosy when it comes eat from variety of the food :)
