Thursday, June 20, 2024

Don't you see

 Darry became a shelver at the library so Junie had to be a Junior Friend for the Children's Reading Program.

"I've done it before," Junie said while at her cousin Maddie's new place. It was her chance to look around and see what it was like for Maddie to be all on her own. Sure, it was neat. Of course, she wondered if Maddie lived here at all.

"Yeah, but you'd forget to even show up, half the time," Maddie reminded her about last summer. Her arms were crossed as if she would always be Junie's babysitter wherever she went.

"I will now," Junie protested. "I have a reason to go."

Junie shot a look into the bathroom. It was all things Maddie, right down to the trendy shower curtain.

"This is all yours?" Junie winced as if it just wasn't fair.


Maddie told her that her roommate had the master bedroom and his bathroom was in his room.

"I don't know this guy?" Junie wanted to meet him.

"Oh, you know him, he works at the bakery."

Maddie made it sound like she'd known Boone forever, but Junie didn't think so.

"Are you sure you feel safe?" Junie looked her over.

"Yes," Maddie glared back. "Don't you know we worry about your safety all the time?"

Maddie told Junie, "You're the one everybody should be worried about."

"But I've got Darry." Junie smiled.

"Yeah, I'm beginning to think you are his bodyguard."

Maddie went to grab a soda for both of them in the fridge.

"What about you and KC?" Junie wanted to know.

"KC? What's to know?" Maddie shrugged. "We text, occasionally."

"Did you know he started a band?" Junie took a sip of her drink, hoping not to let any of the strawberry cream soda dribble on her sundress. 

"He's just helping that girl out," Maddie made it sound like it wasn't a big deal.

"Oh, she has a name," Junie told her. "She came by to pick him up the other night."

Maddie remained straight-lipped as if she didn't care.

"Why are you this way about him?" Junie winced. She really hoped her step-brother would be with Maddie.

"Because, we are just family." 

"Not really."

"We are." Maddie left it at that. Of course, Junie shrugged back and dropped to the couch as if she could stay awhile, but Maddie had her back to her feet. After all, they needed to be at the library.


  1. I'm not sure if June means everything well

    1. You are right. She's just a middle schooler about to start high school. She has her first real boyfriend Darry who she practically attacked. A tiger might be her spirit animal. But after her very long romance with the high school nerd, she feels she knows a thing or two about relationships. And deep down she has wanted her Cousin to find love with her Step-brother KC. Perhaps, the notion of keeping the family together. Of course, she is young and has a lot to learn, but I sense Maddie knows what ever she says to her cousin Junie..SHE WON'T LISTEN.

  2. I think she should stay in the master bedroom with the bathroom, not him. That's my point of view! I think this new character is going to have some importance in this story! I hope you have a great weekend! And very creative!

    1. We can't get everything we want, some times..and I think Maddie is grateful to have her own bathroom, even if company might used it ever so often.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks so much! Hope you'll come back and find more to like. All the best to your blog. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

  4. Genial fragmento. Siempre pesa el pasado. Te mando un beso.

  5. So good.

  6. Just because she makes a wish doesn't mean that people have to fulfill those wishes...

  7. hola
    buen capitulo para comenzar el fin de semana

  8. I think Meddie is doing great. She seems to have sensible approach towards life

  9. Hmm. Some tension between Maddie and Junie. But as usual, it's Maddie who comes off as level-headed. And anyway, how could I not be drawn to someone with a trendy shower curtain? I wonder what, if anything, will transpire between Maddie and KC. Or, for that matter, between Maddie and Boone . . . πŸ€”πŸ§ΌπŸšΏπŸ€”πŸ§ΌπŸšΏπŸ€”πŸ§ΌπŸšΏ
