Tuesday, June 18, 2024

There are flowers in my heart

 "Oh, stop worrying about Boone," Gage did have a baby to tend to. The infant was so tiny. He wasn't used to this, but he'd had some all-nighters to get used to. And now he was at the coffee shop with his six-week-old baby girl and Alfie to the rescue. Only Alfie sat there a bit unconscious and Gage was struggling with the diaper bag and a baby.

"Well, he and Lily are worth fighting for," Alfie said about the matter.

"Did they break up?" Gage looked at him blankly as he put the awoken Ava up to his shoulder. Of course, she spit up. He knew she didn't like breast milk in a bottle. But he didn't hurry to clean it up. Chili arrived with a bunch of napkins and cleaned the mess. He thanked her.

"Not officially." 

Alfie was in a pout as he went back to his creamed iced coffee.

"Some things, you just got to let alone," Gage told him. "Look, you think I got any help from Henry when I was at my wits end-" Oh, he couldn't even say her name now. She was just Alec's mother who signed the paperwork to make Nora his mother. "I was in high school. Boone is much older. There is no..no baby involved."

"Gawd, I hope not," Alfie cringed at the thought.

"It'll all work out," he looked at baby Ava and said sweet nothings. He knew who he had to keep an eye on and it wasn't Alfie's problems with Boone.

"Did you take the test yet?" Gage asked about the state pharmacy exam.

"Not yet," Alfie shrugged.

"See, you are just using Boone as an excuse," Gage told him he needed to snap out of it. He was certain his best friend was his own worst enemy. "You aren't just doing this for you. It's for your family." Gage reminded him Alfie needed to stay on track.

"Well, thanks a lot for putting the pressure on me."

Alfie looked at him wide-eyed. Gage sighed then as if Alfie might as well be going in for major surgery.


  1. Um filho e para mais sendo bebé traz sempre trabalhos dobrados.
    Abraço amigo.
    Juvenal Nunes

  2. i remember when my baby was so little:)

  3. hola,
    se ha quedado en lo mejor

  4. Babies really grow up so fast that it amazes me and my wife. We laugh and wonder how that happened. :) Our daughter is approaching middle age.

  5. Nicely written chapter.
    Kids grow up so fast.

  6. I kinda understand if Gage is using Boone as an excuse to not think about his own problems (. ie. the exam). I mean....we all do that! Great chapter as always, Ellie:)
    Anyhoo, hope you're having a lovely start to the week so far. It's been really hot here the past few days, but I'm not complaining:P

  7. Espero que todo vaya bien con Gage. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  8. Sometimes a friend's comment can be hurtful because of its sincerity, we should understand that...

  9. Ahhhh
    I need know moreeeee! It's too interesting
    Thanks for sharing
    Have a nice day ♥

  10. Time flies just in a blink of eyes. Nice one

  11. Beautiful episode
    I think there is no more magical event than seeing own babies growing 😍

  12. I loved reading about Gage with baby Ava! As a new mom, I can relate to juggling a baby and a diaper bag -- and also to spit up! Anyway, it's so true what Gage says about Boone's love life woes being less than dire, especially because there's no baby involved. Babies put things in perspective, as he muses here:

    "He knew who he had to keep an eye on and it wasn't Alfie's problems with Boone." 👶🎀👶🎀👶🎀
