Thursday, June 6, 2024

Got the feel to get on to get somewhere new

 "So, what's really going on?"

It was a surprise with Izzy and that fellow showing up at their place. Brandon didn't have anything to feed them but an egg bake, salad, and fruit. Izzy was being mum while she watched him whip up the eggs and cheese. 

Brandon sensed she wanted to be sad with that mute face of hers as she looked around his kitchen touching this and that as to not look at him directly.

"It's been ages," he then said. "I don't get a phone call, not even a text. I thought maybe you left the country."

"I  would have told you."

Still, her small frown meant nothing was right in her world.

"And who's that?" He heard laughter from the livingroom Declan was already hitting it off with Cowan the drama major.

"Oh..he's just a my roommate," Izzy shrugged.

"I don't believe you," Brandon looked at her as if he needed to be a better bigger brother to Izzy. They would never be blood-related, but he thought she'd grown so much since that summer when she worked at the soap place. Of course, he thought she would still be with her high school boyfriend too.

She didn't talk about herself then. She mentioned how Melissa came to stay for a few days during Spring Break. "And..and we're not even friends. I only let her say because..because she's with Riley.  Or..or she was." Izzy hugged herself.

"Don't worry too much about those two," Brandon said that was nice of Izzy to let Melissa stay. "What was she there for?"

"Oh, an interview or something," Izzy said. She wasn't sure if Melissa got the job at the University.

Brandon nodded as if they would be the last to know since he hadn't heard a word from Melissa either.

"Um, the thing is.." Izzy squinted more. "Cowan and I are still sleeping together."

"Oh?" Brandon knew what it was really about.

"Izzy, if you're happy, don't overthink it," he told her. "It's always an adventure to see where it might go." He cracked a smile. About then Heidi, his preschool niece showed up. She was hungry. Evidently, her Uncle Declan was showing Cowan some new game on the television.


  1. thanks

  2. hola
    me encanta Brandon, es un personaje estupendo

  3. Replies
    1. Good -Christine

  4. This egg, salad and fruit casserole whetted my appetite.
    You write nicely, it's interesting to read :)

    1. Oh, if only I could cook all the things I write about. Thanks!

  5. Overthinking can be annoying at times.

  6. Genial fragmento ¿Qué hará Izzy? Te mando un beso.

  7. I really like it :) The name Brandon reminds me of the TV series Beverly Hills 90210

  8. Another well written chapter. It reads nicely.

  9. We are passengers waiting for new journeys.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematographic greetings.

  10. I can imagine how she might felt while laying down .praganacy period can be long and frustrating form women.
    Glad she had loving partner and sweet friends to stay away from negativity 😊
