Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Hey, I saw your guy with a different girl


KC was staying busy even if he thought he should be doing something else in his spare time when he wasn't at the bowling alley. A part of him felt humbled to be here even if Tyra (His ex from a long ago summer) had asked him to go on the road with her to the surrounding music festivals.

He just didn't have it in him to say yes. Maybe it was Maddie's fault. They still managed time to text although, she'd never invited him to her new place. She was just a little too secretive. What was it that she didn't want him to know?

He occasionally saw her at the library. Even then he'd ask if she'd want to go for a burger and she always came back with she didn't have the time. Maybe that's why he decided he needed to do something with his time.

When he dropped in at the old ice cream place next to the bowling alley, he wasn't expecting much since Tyra and her girlfriend were living the van life these days. But there was someone who caught his eye.

He hated to admit his first thought was Maddie, or the idea of Maddie being a rocker of some kind. Of course, the girl might have had that Kawaii vibe going. But he wouldn't know it since he wasn't into trends.

At the moment, the old soda fountain was bare and she was on the stage figuring out her baseline. Immediately, KC asked if he could help. He told her he knew about sound.

She looked him over as if he might be a nuisance. KC thought again about Maddie. He knew she would be just like that.

"Um, I know Tyra," he shrugged.

She then told him Tyra was her older sister's girlfriend. 

"Oh, so they left you?" 

"I'm OK with that," she let a smile slip.

"I get it," he couldn't help but smile. "Your moment to shine."

"Yeah, right," she sounded to have doubts about it. Finally, she told him she was Millie and would be grateful to find a drummer or even a guitarist. Otherwise, it would be her and the music she'd already recorded.

"So, any covers, I should know?" He went to look at the equipment she had.

"Old stuff, from Blondie."

Millie was ever so shy. He had to wonder if she could bring it. KC was always in the lead, but not this time.


  1. A beautiful episode dear Ellie ❤
    I enjoyed the complexities of emotions here
    Meddie must have magic hard to get through for KC
    Thanks for telling the story awesomely
    You have gift undoubtedly 😍

  2. i am curious what this new girl brings in this story:D

  3. Sounds good and interesting.

  4. I think the story is getting complicated for KC, because life is always so complicated and with so many twists and turns, it will be fate that plays a trick on him! Have a great week Ellie! And, happy writing!

  5. Oh I do hope Millie comes out of her shell and shows how talented she is!


  6. Pobre Millie. Te mando un beso.

  7. Complicated, it just ain't certain. Interesting

  8. hola
    a ver lo que puede hacer Millie

  9. Not a new post then? You're on holiday!
