Friday, June 14, 2024

Looks like he's in another world

 Cade was well on his way to Paris with Mercer and Rafe didn't even care. After all, he was taking those truckdriving  classes on the weekend and studying up on his driving on You Tube so he could handle the bakery truck. He had no idea it would be so much trouble, but he had a plan and as silly as he knew he must seem there was Ruby to his rescue.

"But don't you think it's too soon?" Boone said about the moving in together. Of course, Boone was supposed to keep an eye on the batter for muffins and a cake in the oven.

"Oh, no," Rafe winced. "It's just down the street." He shrugged. "Her dad likes me." He smirked as if he could do no wrong. After all, it was approved. Parents met. They'd had a few cookouts, Everybody was on board with it. "Besides, Ruby got a job."

"Oh." Boone nodded. He was indifferent as he wiped his hands on his denim apron and went back to prepping in the kitchen of the hot bakery while Rafe went to unload supplies that Boone needed. Ste, the owner, was out front chatting with customers.

"Are you all right, Bro?" Rafe noticed Boone wasn't smiling much lately. "Is it Lily?" He was certain she could throw a wrench into whatever happiness might come.

Boone sighed. He said she was staying in Chicago this summer.


Boone nodded and went to check on some churning dough for tomorrow's sweet rolls. Boone then mentioned how her grandmother found a retirement community to move to.

"She's not that old," Rafe wrinkled his nose. Damn, he knew he was missing something. He always loved Lily's Gram. He had high hopes Lily would be just like her one day. 

"Things change," Boone looked back at Rafe who was sliding cans of condensed milk into place on the shelf. That's when Boone told him that Maddie was his new roommate.


  1. When our heads are spinning, there's nothing better than making something sweet to eat and balance our emotions.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematographic greetings.

    1. it's been so long since i heard that name, theda bara:-) i think the last time was in a brasilian telenovela:-)

  2. Sounds interesting! Have a great weekend.

  3. Well, that sounds very interesting.
    Have a nice weekend.

  4. Ojala la convivencia no sea mala Boone y Maddie , Te mando un beso.

  5. hola
    se ha sentido como ¡Sorpresaaaaaaa! jajaja

    1. It felt like a surprise!💗💕🌈Yes, summer sometimes brings them! Thanks for your comment!

  6. Sounds like good news: Rafe and Ruby are moving together; Ruby's got a job; Boone has Maddy as his new roomate, Cady and Mercer are on their way to Paris. Cady isl learning to drive the trucks for the bakery.


  7. I like how nice Rafe thinks about Lily's grandmother

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