Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Carrying the words on a string

Steve didn't mean to avoid Alfie all this time, but he was busy with family life. Reluctantly, he did invite Alfie and his wife over.

Steve does like to grill. Actually, he always felt his second calling was to be a chef, but Victoria, the twenty-minute cook that she is, does most of the cooking.

Steve and Alfie chat about old times. Each has a nonalcoholic beer. It's showing they are always on Daddy Duty, even if Alfie isn't a Dad yet. Of course, they sweat in the heat and humidity on this sunny afternoon. Steve can't wait to bring the sizzling steaks in. He remembers Alfie likes them medium rare. Their wives are finishing up the sides in the kitchen.

"Are you sure everything is all right?" Steve wants to know. After all, Alfie has always told him everything even it's more bad than good. But things are better now, Steve feels. Alfie is married. And Zoey is always doting on him. 

"Well, yeah," Alfie squints hard. He mentions his dad has been drinking again. "I mean, I really didn't want to care, but then I found out he's on all these heart medications and stuff, and he just can't stop. Evidently."

"Has he gone to AAs?" Steve doesn't mean to be preachy. After all, his parents although Catholic never had alcohol in the house.

"AAs?" Now Alfie grins. "Have ever been to one of those?"

Steve shakes his head, no. 

"I actually had to go to a bar with this friend when we were in high school no less, to one of those meetings." He shakes his head. He says it wouldn't help his Dad. "I just don't know if Boone's mom can stay with him." He seems sad about the situation. But he leaves it at that. "I passed my test." He grins.

"Victoria was telling me," Steve congratulates him. After all, Victoria is practically Alfie's work wife at the pharamcy. She always has some story about him and how he saved the day, or the many girlfriends he has over the age of seventy-five who only want Alfie to find their prescriptions.

They are old friends. Alfie is the kind of guy who's always there even if he can bring the thick of it with him in most cases. Steve is glad Alfie has Zoey. He'll be happy when they start a family because he wants Alfie to know the life he's living.


  1. Thats a really great figure of speech, the title🙂

  2. Steve and Alfie sound like really good friends.
    Friendship is important.

  3. Well, having an alcoholic in the family is difficult. Alfie can talk some sense into him, but he can never force him to stop using...

  4. I had a friend who was a heavy drinker and he died before reaching 40. He didn't want any advice from anyone. Very sad!

  5. Interesting and complicated chapter, I love your stories and I am so happy you continue writting them
    Thanks for sharing
    Hugs ♥

  6. Hello!
    Alcohol destroys the life of the drinker and his family! It's a terrible addiction! I have a neighbour who retired and became an alcoholic, instead of enjoying his retirement he is destroying the lives of everyone around him and his own! I wish you a happy end of the week!

  7. Alfie es un lindo personaje. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  8. hola
    estupendo capítulo

  9. you have ability to paint intensity of the situation powerfully dear Ellie
    sorry dear friend for being late ,many reasons for this actually
    loving your stories

  10. Gosto da amizade dos dois: Steve e Alfie.
    O pai está bebendo? Péssima notícia,
    é um vício difícil de largar! Beijos!

  11. Friendship is important, but it can have it's ups and downs. This was a good chapter. I like the feel of it.

  12. Alfie and Steve, together again! I'm glad that they could talk, even about -- especially about -- Alfie's dad's drinking. And I love that Alfie and Victoria work together and enjoy each other's company:

    "She always has some story about him and how he saved the day, or the many girlfriends he has over the age of seventy-five who only want Alfie to find their prescriptions."

    Finally, I understand Steve when he muses that he wants Alfie and Zoey to have kids so that they can enjoy life as much as he does. New mom me has joined that club! 😀🌈🌞
