Monday, July 22, 2024

You brought me through

 It was weird, but I good kind of weird when Phil found Boone with someone new. They had a lot of catching up to do. He'd spent most of his vacation days moving his parents.

"I'm so sad to find out your Dad's in the Veterans home," Boone says he can understand how hard it's been for Phil. He tells him he must be the best son in the world.

"Only son," he clarifies. "I dunno what I would have done if it hadn't been for Lex." He tells him how she made the calls. "Just getting them here was the biggest task." He knows Boone doesn't want to hear it, although Boone says he does.

"Oh, their place was getting so rundown. Trees limbs on the roof. The raccoons scared my mom every night. Of course, Dad couldn't hear a thing. Then the bathrooms were terrible. It was the kitchen that was the worst. We finally sold it as it was. Lex got Mom into one of those Senior Living apartments, brand new." Phil smiles. "You'd think Mom moved to New York City. She's on the top floor and she can visit Dad every day now." 

"Good, I'm so glad they let you help," Boone invites him to coffee. He's got Maddie waiting with brownies at their kitchen counter. "She actually made them from scratch."

Boone beams, and Phil wonders if they are more than just roommates. They seem to be good friends and Boone doesn't look as stressed as he used to be when he was with Lily. They are both dressed in summer casual in practically sleep pants and graphic tees. Phil notices Maddie's pleasant smile, yet she's a little timid around him.

"I wish Lex was here, I want you to meet her," Phil smiles brightly as if he hopes he isn't intimidating. 

"Phil and I go way back," Boone chuckles as he gets the coffee.

"Yeah, I was his first roommate," Phil shrugs. He keeps smiling.

Boone smirks and looks at Maddie out of the corner of his eye as he hands her a cup of coffee. She looks back at him with a genuine look that she would listen to anything he had to say. "And then he met Lexi, and that was a game changer."

"Well, we work at the same place," Phil nods as he puts a little cream in his coffee and so do Maddie and Boone before they start in on the moist brownie squares. "You guys have to come over to dinner sometime."

"Well, you know, we," Maddie's ever so serious as she pauses. She reaches for her coffee as if she shouldn't say.

"We aren't a couple." 

Boone finishes her sentence. Phil reminds them they are neighbors. "Neighbors should have dinner together, on occasion." Phil knows he still needs Boone in his life. He's never had a friend like him. He hopes Maddie can see that side of him too. He is quiet as he digs into the fudgy brownie.

"If only we could have a baby," Phil makes it sound like it's all his fault. They are still trying.

"Maybe you weren't supposed to have a baby yet," Boone tells him as he holds on to his coffee in thought. He takes a sip of coffee, then says. "Just look at everything you've been through with your parents. They needed you. There's still time, and you know how well we turned out. We're both adopted." 

Boone's smile says it all, but tears are swimming in Phil's eyes. He just wants to make Lexi happy.


  1. Nice-Christine

  2. It's good that Phil got to help his parents move.

  3. So good.

  4. Hello
    I'm sorry but this post made me laugh because Lex is the name of my uncle's dog!!! I think it never hurts to help our parents, I think it's our duty, but we are more attached to the family than Americans, it's all a matter of culture! Thanks for your comments Ellie and sorry I'm late with mine!

  5. I love this whole dynamic with Boone and Maddie. How he wonders if they're together.

  6. hola
    buen capítulo, tengo ganas de seguir con el siguiente

  7. Muito bom! Desejando os quadradinhos
    de brownie úmidos! Hum...beijos! :)

  8. This is so touching.
    Biological parents aren't always real parents. Sometimes real parents are the adoptive ones.

  9. Smiles and tears in relationships make us travel through time. Life is cyclical, so maturity arrives and wipes away the tears and chooses reasons to smile.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematographic greetings.

  10. Uy que tierno fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  11. This is really very beautifully written.

  12. There are many warm and touching moments here today. It's a good read. Such family stories are usually very touching.
    I greet you.

  13. Such a sweet conversation between the two of them.


  14. Sweet and tough moment brought them togerher...

  15. Very touching chapter...with the catching up, then the conversations that turn deep...and the tears in the eyes. Well written!

  16. it is heartwarming dear Ellie !
    thank you for providing an environment where coziness and wamrth of family emotions touches the heart :)

  17. I'm so glad that Phil's parents got sorted out! The part about his mom comparing her new apartment to NYC is especially endearing. And it's nice for Phil and Boone to catch up too. Especially when Phil makes this silent observation about Boone and Maddie:

    "Boone beams, and Phil wonders if they are more than just roommates."

    I must confess, I've wondered this too! 🤔💖

    Finally, I agree with Boone that it just may not be time for Phil and Lexi to have a baby. As a forty-two-year-old with a three-month-old, I can honestly say I wouldn't have been ready any sooner. Charlotte came exactly when she should have. Hang in there, Phil! 🌈😁

    Speaking of which, thanks so much for your sweet words about Charlotte! At first, I was like, I'm not going to post too many pics of her. It's one thing to post pics of myself; I'm an adult. But she's just a baby with no say in the matter. Still . . . sometimes I can't help but share her with the world. What's a proud mama to do? 👶🤷‍♀️

    I'm glad you had a nice Labor Day cookout and hope that "the brink of unease" reverses itself. The Tang Pie sounds amazing -- I'm a big fan of citrus. And who can blame that little sweetie for wanting to gobble a tinsel-hired Barbie -- and a steak?! ✨🥩
