Saturday, August 31, 2024

And it's a sad picture, the final blow hits you


"I just can't believe he asked me," Remi holds on to the cup of herbal tea. She smiles to Chili. Funny, she is the last person she thought she might talk to, especially about Alfie. But its quiet at the coffee shop and they have plenty of time to just talk. 

Of course, she sort of knew Chili from way back when, a time Remi would like to forget, her juvi problems and Boystown. It was a laugh when she met Chili at the drugstore. Now it feels more somber. Yes, they have both grown up, taking adulting in stride.

"Well, things change," Chili sits at the booth keeping an eye on the door. Business has been so slow. People taking late vacations. Kids in school. Oh, Chili says they might have to be closed at least two days a week now to make ends meet. Still, Remi can tell something is troubling her, even if Chili says it's business.

Remi nods and takes a sip of the lemony tea. "And you say there is catnip in this?" Remi can't help but remember how Wolf always says she has cat moves in bed.

"What's so funny?" Chili cracks a smile after nodding about the catnip.

"Oh, nothing." Remi sighs. She says she never thought she'd be doing this family thing in a million years. "What happened to me?"

"Oh, it's for the best. You are moving forward," Chili tells her it's a good thing Alfie has reached out. "Maybe he needs to mend his ways and he's showing he's going forward with his life too."

"I guess," but she feels it's strange. "Won't it be awkward?" Remi winces as if she knows she has nothing to wear. She's hardly stylish these days. Even Wolf's jeans are too tight on her growing belly.

"Of course, it will be, but then you really never knew him, except for a one-night stand."

Remi nods. Chili is always straightforward. She likes that about her friend. "So what really happened with  you and Axton?" Remi doesn't want to talk that much about herself. Although, she needs to talk about this dinner date with Alfie and his wife. She's hoping there will be more than the four of them. She wants Chili and Axton to come along too, but she knows that's just a sweet thought.

"Nothing much," Chili looks away. "I guess I can't ask for much. At least, right now." 

She holds her cup of coffee in thought.

"What do you mean?" Remi tilts her head as if she's here for Chili. She wants Chili to tell her what's on her mind. 

"I asked him to marry me," Chili presses her lips tight. "But, you know."

"You haven't given up, have you?" Remi knows Chili isn't a quitter. Oh, well there's that failed marriage, but Remi won't hold it against her.

"No, I know we're not over, but I feel it's like a fast rewind."

She looks quite sad.

"I know he's trying to be on his own, but you know, he's a father now," Remi reminds her it must be new to him.

"Yeah, I guess that's it." Chili leaves it at that. 

"Oh, this era shall pass too," Remi assures her Taylor Swift isn't the only one going through eras.


  1. Can empathize, it is a difficult situation.

  2. I like talking in a nice cafe - drinking good coffee... I like this chapter.

    Thank you for being there, dear Ellie, when I'm away. I will try to be there as often as possible. Hugs, have a nice weekend!

  3. Nice ending "Oh, this era shall pass too," Remi assures her Taylor Swift isn't the only one going through eras, I like it a lot.

  4. Interesting to see what happens as it goes onward.

  5. Achei engraçado e sensual a parte que você fala sobre o catnip e os movimentos de gato na cama. Boas inspirações! 😘😺

    1. I found it funny and sensual the part you talk about catnip and cat movements on the bed. Good inspirations ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for making me smile today~

  6. Uy la vida pasa y uno debe afrontarla Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso

  7. It seems that not only wine makes people reveal things.Over a cup of coffee, Chilli tells her friend Remi (who was holding a cup of tea) that not only is business slow, but that she has asked Axton marry her!

  8. Thank you.

  9. Hello!!!
    How amazing and interesting chapter, I love it
    Thanks for sharing
    I hope you have an amazing week, full of nice things ♥

  10. Hello!
    I'm not a Taylor Swift fan, so for me her era is over, or hasn't even begun! This revealing dialogue between these two friends is funny, but I don't think a father's era is something that will pass! I wish you a happy September! All the best to you!
