Monday, September 2, 2024

Can't stop now, don't you know?


"I don't know what to do," Axton winces hard and pulls back a dred wishing he'd just shave his head. It might be his only sacrifice. Naturally, Cedric slaps his hand away. This is Cedric's domain, fixing Axton's dreds at the kitchen table.

They are in Cedric and Dory's new place. Axton has yet to get around to seeing it, but as luck would have it Cedric wanted to work on his hair.

Axton sighs and moves away momentarily with a scowl, "Honestly Ced, I don't have time for this." 

He feels behind. Always running around to get something done, but he knows he is needed at home, the most. There is Rory to see to. 

"Brother, you need to make some time," Cedric points out they used to always hangout on the weekends, back in the day. They still need each other if only to touch base.

"Things are different now," Axton squints as if Cedric might be hurting him. 

"Chill, bro."

Cedric stops what he's doing, and moves around to look Axton in the eye. Of course, he takes a seat next to him and they have a contest of stares.

"Just don't worry about it, OK," Axton frets and looks away. "Everything is fine."

"NO, it isn't." 

Cedric's eyes widen. He tells him Dory knows too. He's been around Chili every day.

"What did you do to her?" He practically shouts about the matter. 

"What do you mean? What about me? What is she doing to me?" Axton shouts back. His face looks hurt as if Cedric would think it was all his doing.

"Well, you need her, now don't you?" Cedric is straight-lipped. "And she needs you, man. She is miserable."

Axton only sighs with a sad frown. He turns from Cedric. He pushes his hands back through his dreds. He tells Cedric they were rushing it. "It was going so fast."

"But didn't you like it?" Cedric questions him. "You can handle it, bro. You are the master of multitasking."

"Yeah, well..." Axton sighs. "I'm hanging on by a thread. His fingers reach to his temples as if he needs to massage his brain.

"What are you waiting for?" Cedric gets up to go back to Axton's hair emergency. "You know Em and Yuki love that you are with Chili. They love her too. They see a future in the two of you. Don't let this one go." He shakes his head. "Don't let her find someone else."

Axton hates that Cedric is right.


  1. Can understand him, sometimes you reach your limits, think you can't do it.
    Good that he has a friend to talk to

  2. What will he do, that is the question. :)

  3. hola
    tengo que ponerme al día porque acabo de volver de vacaciones. A ver si no tardo en hacerlo.
    Feliz septiembre

  4. When we believe we are putting an end to something we always find ellipses.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematic greetings.

  5. Pobre Aston. Te mando un beso.

  6. Hello!
    No-one has noticed that a baby completely changes the parents' routine with regard to friends and life with friends! I wish you a lovely September week, it's still very warm here, except for yesterday when it felt like winter!
