Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Finish what you start


"Well, the thing is, I feel we were just a practice run-through," Dan squints before he takes a shot at mid-court. He talks about his dinner with Alfie and Zoey. He hadn't meant to play basketball with anyone on the warm and sunny September day, but an old high school friend that he hadn't seen in ages showed up. Ollie who just moved into the building.

"Like a rehearsal?" Ollie winks back in the sun as he catches the ball that just bounced off the rim. Dan can see his friend needs practice. They are both not on their game. But here they are in their comfortable attire for some one on one.

"You remember Zoey?" Dan wants to know.

"I don't think so," Ollie reminds him they didn't exactly hang in the same circle. "I wasn't exactly the model student you were."

Dan chuckles, oh if he could only get those days back. He really did enjoy studying. "And you're with Ivy now?" Ollie smiles as if he doesn't really envy him at all. He's heard the stories. "You were older, you know."

"I'm not that much older?" He tilts his head realizing their connection. Valentina. Ollie used to live in the same Foster home with her. "Besides, you knew my little sister before I did."

Ollie smiles. "Have you seen her lately?"

"Oh, yeah, she's doing great with Matty. They have a baby boy," Dan smiles about the matter. 

"Good for her," Ollie almost smiles. "I should have expected that." He nods and throws the ball to Dan as if he's not much up for a game. Dan dribbles, meanwhile. "I'm just a weekend Dad now." 

Ollie shoves his hands in the pockets of pants. "I've been staying at Mom and Dad's this summer. I got on a Home Depot. At least, I finally moved out."  Still, he admits it was hard finding a job where he wasn't working on weekends. He's a teacher's aid now and going to school, hoping to be a teacher soon. "I  just never thought it would end this way." Ollie shrugs. 

"But then you never married," Dan says, but wishes he was married. Although, Ivy won't go for that.

"Maybe there will be someone," Ollie tells him not to give up.

"But I can't give up on Ivy, either." Dan is certain he's not going anywhere and neither is Ivy. 

"Yeah, I felt that way too," Ollie tells him, "but look where I am now? A girl Dad who only sees Carrie on the weekends. I mean, I really try to be positive about her mother, but it feels we are more distant now, even if I wanted to go the distance."


  1. Must be hard on Ollie being a weekend dad:( And yay to see that Valentina and Matty are doing great:) Another great chapter, Ellie!
    PS OMG! So sorry to hear about the Barbie mishap this weekend....gotta love dogs:P

  2. Weekend dad is better than no dad.

  3. So many young people not staying together. Having kids, not getting married. I sometimes think the younger generation doesn't know how to work through things. Even good marriages have their ups and's life. Hubby and I celebrated 52 years a few months back, so it's hard for me to relate. I have a great niece who has 2 kids from the same guy; but they're not married. They're sometimes together, than not. It's kinda a hot mess from perspective. She leaves with her parents some of the time, some of the time with baby daddy. I wonder if the kids even understand who their parents are. It's a real problem, so it's nice you're addressing it in your stories.

  4. Being 54 and old fashioned i fully agree with point. mentioned in last comment.
    Relationship have their ups and downs. Giving up so quickly without effort seems unjust.
    Dear Ellie i really enjoyed the chapter


  5. There are fewer and fewer children growing up with both parents, patchwork families

  6. Very nice the title, your post is so nice and you choose the perfect words.

  7. Genial fragmento Espero que se arreglen. Te mando un beso.

  8. É triste filhos sem pai, mas me parece que o pai
    em questão está preocupado com isso.
    Boas inspirações! :)

    1. It's sad to have children without a father, but it seems to me that the father
      in question is worried about it.
      Good inspirations! :) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️In Ollie's case he never had a real family until late. Although, in his case his father always thought he would have been better off with an adopted family, only Ollie never really found one and all along his father would follow to find they did end up together..somehow..and he did get adopted by someone who ended up being his foster mother. Actually, he is Valentina's first love. He has his faults, but I think when it comes to being a Dad he wants to be there and be the dad he's always wanted.

  9. It's always good to put final numbers on something we started, especially when it involves family.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematic greetings.

  10. hola
    la situación de Ollie es complicada

  11. Kibicuję Olliemu. Oby sobie poradził w tej roli. Świetny rozdział Kochana. Pozdrawiam serdecznie z Krakowa
